Escape attempt

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Vincent's POV:

It was night time, and me and my friends established a place where we'd meet to perform our escape plans together. We usually wait until the pumpkins check on us while we pretend to be asleep, then we sneak past the guards and then we all meet in the middle. Our plan was to dig a small but slightly big opening in the fence and then we crawl through. Then when we all made it through, we get the other elves to join us in our escape, then we go search and free the females. The first thing I did before I left to find my friends was wake up my brother Legolas. I shook him awake, he was a bit irritated but he finally got up.

Legolas:(whispers) this plan better work!

Vincent:(whispers) of course it will work, I have faith in this one

Legolas:(whispers sarcastically) oh where have I heard this one before? Oh yeah, we have been doing this for the past few years!

Vincent:(whispers) will you hurry up, we have to get Marcus and Zack up too you know?

Legolas:(whispers) fine

Vincent:(whispers still) besides it will work this time because the two headed idiots are the only ones patrolling tonight

Marcus:(groggily whispers) you know you shouldn't call them that

Vincent: yeah but it's more fun to call them that because one they have two heads on one body, and two they are idiots

Marcus:(whispers) good point(yawns and stretches)

Thwart's POV:

A quickly got up, along with me twin brother thatch and duff. We quietly made our way to where Vincent wanted us to meet. Along the way we met Lui who was making an effort of staying low and keeping completely quiet fer the time being.

Lui:(whispers) may I be reminded why we are doing this?

Thatch:(whispers) ye wanna be free do ye not?

Lui: yes but I prefer to be smart and not do something this stupid

Duff:(whispers) hey, ehf ye want to live here and get whipped oan the back fer the next few years and be killed and have yer kids suffer the same fate as thee papa, then ye can move yer green buttocks back to yer sorry excuse fer a bed, and sleep yer days away

Lui: there is no need for any Scottish smack, but I wouldn't mind going back to bed, I had nice dream of fine women

Thwart: dorn't we all lad, a hoot to have women soohn

Thatch: A dorn't just want women, a want big women, with big—

Duff: save it fer ye fantasy larnd moments lad

Thatch: fair enough

Flint's POV:

I got up in the middle of the night and I sneaked my way outside and brought a shovel with me. Because that's what Vincent wanted. Being small had its advantages, because I can hide in bigger stuff that most normal people wouldn't be able to, cause they are too big. Vincent always says I have a bit of a western accent. But that fool could barely find his ass with both hands. He can't tell the difference between south or west. He claims they both the same. But with that out the way. I finally found Vincent and the others. Now we're just waiting for Jeddak.

Jeddak POV:( this will be in English, not in elvish)

I was getting out of bed because my friend Vincent was planning another escape attempt tonight. As always I wanted to be apart of it because just like him, I want to be free. And when I do, the first thing I want to do is find my clan. Wherever they are. I finally made my way to where Vincent wanted to meet and discuss the plan. And of course I was the last one there, because my part of the camp is on the other side from here.

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