The girl who wouldn't quit

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Bishop's POV:

I decided to wake my students up early, with a little wake up call. I grab my bell, enter their room, and start banging away. Most of them started groaning and some of them screamed and fell out of bed. They all got their clothes and shoes on, while Lui was the only elf in this group that was not present when I gave the wake up call. I went over to his bed and went up to his ear.

Bishop: (sing song) Lui, Get up.

Lui:(groggily) five more minutes Vincent

Bishop: okay, you can sleep for as long as you like

Legolas:(whispers) you gotta be kidding me

I went away from his ear and stood straight up.

Bishop:(yells) Lui, get your ass out of bed and on your feet, now!!!

He jumps up as soon as he heard me yelling and he fell out of bed. He got out of his pajamas while I was still facing him.

Bishop: do you think that the barracks are a place for you to sleep all day?

Lui: no sir

Bishop: you think fighting a few dummies is tiring?!

Lui: it does make your arms sore

Bishop: well that's a good thing, because the only thing you should be getting out of my lessons are sore muscles and fast reflexes. Now fall in line with the others, now!!

Lui: yes sir

He then gets in line with the others, and I stood right in front of all of them again.

Bishop: now today I'm not gonna be training a whole lot of you because most of you I've trained but was unable to train all of you because someone decided to go a couple rounds in the circle

Vincent: what can I say? I'm stubborn

Legolas: like we didn't know that before

Bishop: anyways, the only people that I have yet to train are the short guy-

Flint: I am not short

Marcus: why won't you accept it Flint?

Flint: First off, one because it's not true and two, because Elizabeth is the short one here

Marcus: well, yes but she has an excuse.

Flint: and what's that?

Marcus: she's younger than you

Bishop: may I continue?

Marcus: sorry

Bishop: I haven't trained any of you girls, or you Marcus, and I definitely did not train you Charlie

Charlie: do I really need training?

Bishop: if you want to protect yourself, yes. The rest of you, are still gonna train, but not with me. The rest of you will be practicing sparring each other.

Elizabeth: what does sparring mean?

Bishop: it's when you practice fighting by fighting each other

Elizabeth: why must we fight each other?

Bishop: because if you can beat each other, you can beat anyone. Now all those whom I have trained yesterday you come with me, the rest of you will meet me in the training hall, okay?

Everyone: okay

I brought all the elves I've trained yesterday to a place in my cave to practice fighting each other. It was just a big room with a huge red ring in it. This was where I trained many older elves to fight, back in my day.

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