Hunting for elves

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Scarecrow's POV:

Me and my pumpkin commanders and leaders were sitting at the crescent shaped table eating our meals that the elves so kindly made for us. My commanders consisted of the twin headed pumpkins, pumpkin droid #300, and pumpkin droid #245. The main leaders are my faithful and most strongest that are called Lord Pumpkin and Pumpkin Sub-Prime. We're celebrating the return of Pumpkin Sub-Prime with a feast, for he has traveled some of the farthest reaches of skylands discovering new techniques for killing. He has always taken pride in sharpening his skills for when he is most needed. Lord Pumpkin and Sub-Prime share the same ideals and have been like brothers since the very beginning of the pumpkin empire. When we established this empire back on our home world. I knew I had to have two of the strongest pumpkins on my side. While I eat like a well mannered person, these pumpkins are just viciously grabbing whatever food they can get their claws on and just shoving it all in their mouths. Most of our meals consisted of meat from various creatures that my pumpkins kill and bread. You know the expression of how someone eats like a pig? Well these pumpkins eat like boars. They hardly ever chew their food and they eat with their bare hands. The two headed idiots one time choked on a drum stick and an elf helped him, but he ended up getting beaten for not keeping the food in his mouth. These pumpkins have no sense of table manners anymore do they know how to keep a bunch of elves in one area.

Left head: are you gonna eat that?

The left head of the two headed idiots was about to reach for Lord Pumpkin's lamb chops, but he immediately grabbed and squeezed his hands right before he could touch his food.

Pumpkin: touch my food again and you'll draw back with a ruined stump!! You get me?!!

He then lets go of his hand and he holds it as it's badly damaged from his own strength.

Left head:(scoffs) so touchy

Pumpkin droid #245: we honor this feast for the return of pumpkin Sub-Prime.

Pumpkin droid #300: (sarcastically) yeah yippy, what the hell, whatever. (Whispers) worthless toaster

Sub-Prime: thank you, your all too kind, even though this feast brings no pleasure for me.

Pumpkin: why my friend, what's wrong with you?

Sub-Prime: is it not obvious? We have lost most of our slaves, and you think that a feast is gonna make everything better

Right head: I thought it was a good idea

Left head: no you didn't, it was my idea that you stole

Right head: and who's gonna believe you?

Pumpkin: knock it off you two headed idiots!

Both heads:(yells) don't call us that!!

Left head: yeah that's what the elves call us, and it's not even clever.

Pumpkin: whatever, anyways Sub-Prime does have a point, we must find the elves responsible for this tiny rebellion, and once we find them, I say we kill them and the rest of the elvish race!

Pumpkin droid #300 then spat out his drink at one of the elves that was serving his second helping of food.

Pumpkin droid #300's POV:

Pumpkin droid #300: why kill them all? We need them all!!

Sub-Prime: no, you need them, so that you may feel that you're in power, but you're not. In fact, this whole crisis is all your fault!

Pumpkin droid #300:(scoffs) wha, my fault?!!

Pumpkin: it's because of you that our servants now roam the countryside in the hands of a bunch of renegades!

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