Meet the women

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My life is nothing but a living hell. Not because I'm a slave or an elf, but because I'm a girl. Which means life is harder. Especially for an elf. At least that's what the pumpkins say. My name is Anna. I'm a girl as you already know. I'm 15 years old and the pumpkins have been preparing me for mating. My birthday is not too long from now, and once I turn 16, I have to find a husband to mate with and have kids with. Don't get me wrong, I like kids. But if I want to have them. I want to at least have some with an elf I love, I want to find the perfect elf out there, not just find some random elf that I have absolutely nothing in common with. I want to do it for love, not just, because. Anyways enough about me, there's other female elves that are facing the same issues as I am. For instance, there's my little sister Elizabeth. She's only 11 years old and she just developed her, what she likes to call them, jugs. Now despite being a little sister, she's also the greatest pain in the butt in my life. The first thing in the morning to nighttime, she nonstops asks me questions about literally everything. Like, "what is the point of mud?" Or "how's the sky blue?" Or "what's grass?" Or "how do we walk?" Sometimes she asks simple questions like, "why can we bend our fingers perfectly well, but not our toes?" And most of the time she asks complex questions that confuse the hell out of me like, "if you were to eat yourself, would you get bigger, or would you just disappear?" Even onto this day I'm still confused on how she came up with that question. Among all the questions she asks daily. It drives me crazy. She only asks me questions because she one time asked the pumpkins way too many questions, to the point where they cut off her hair to make it short. When she saw that it was short, she ran to me, hugged me, and cried in my chest. Of course being the most caring sister I can be, I hugged her and comforted her. I asked why she was crying, and without hesitating, she stated that it made her look like a boy. I held back the urge to laugh, and thankfully she didn't notice it. After a while her hair became long again, but she decided to keep it short, because she said it made her look young. I guess. I didn't judge her. It just seemed weird.

Elizabeth isn't the only person I care about. I have friends too, and some of them are friends of my sister. There's my friend Azula, who's blind, but she learned how to see without her eyes. Sometimes I even forget that she is blind. She talks in a French accent which I actually find slightly funny, especially when she's angry. She can be a bit mean to the other girl elves at times, but that's because she's cranky because she doesn't get enough sleep or because she's hungry. She also has very dark green skin, and sometimes I like to joke how green she is. Like one time I joked about how why the grass had clothes and wears a blindfold. And then I just "realize" that it's Azula. There's also my friend Ariel. She's nice, and often calm. Sometimes when we get in trouble for sneaking food for Azula, we both take our fair share of taking the blame for it. Though of course being older than most of them, I mostly take the blame. She talks in a British accent, and half the time when she talks, I don't understand a thing she's saying. And I usually have Elizabeth explain what she's saying to me. And then there's my friend, who is like a mother figure to me and Elizabeth, Cami Flage. She is the elder of our camp that teaches us the history and stories of our people. Both good and bad. She also taught us how to do several things that she was taught, when she was young. She's like a few hundred years old, I can't say how old she is because even she doesn't know how old she is, at least she won't say. She is the closest thing me and Elizabeth have as a mother after our parents died. She always talks about our parents, mainly our mother, when we first started working as slaves. Female elves hardly ever worked, we've been mainly taught how to seduce our mates and how to have sex and all that nasty stuff. Azula and Ariel mostly make food for the masters, which consisted mostly of meat that the masters hunted and have the other girls prepare it to their liking. And if they don't like it, they throw it in their faces and force them to make another one but "better". While they do the cooking, some of the girls like me and Elizabeth do the sweeping in our rooms and everyone else's. And if we didn't do it thoroughly, the pumpkins would punish us. This is our life and this is what we have to deal with every day.

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