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Extremely short, I know, but it's currently two in the morning and my fingers won't stop twitching. Also my brain won't shut off.

Word Count: 295

The Ice Queen's steps echoed throughout the silent hall. At a first glance, she would seem elegant and grand.

Anyone else would fall to their knees to beg you for that innocence of what she truly was.

She wore her sweet smile like a loaded gun with all her sparkly sequins and bejeweled skin. She had inky midnight locks and eyes of liquid sun.

Her perfect lips were those of witchcraft that owned a myriad of firing bullets for a tongue.

But it was all the consequences of a hierarchy needing to be filled.

Her corset was laced like the finest of ribbon, but suffocated out her heart. Her very name struck fear into people's spines as she was nothing more than a cruel monster. Alas, her icy shards of nonchalance could only last so long with a reign this young.

Her patronizing steps were like acid to their skulls as the bloody screams of the civilians mixed in with those of the tweety birds and noise gulls. And now the damage was done by a queen who wouldn't recoil.

But before her reign she was a sweet godsend. But as time progressed the influence of her 'duties' caught on, twisting a golden thread into her skin. It curled and twisted around her form, hiding wicked tales within.

Her dainty hands controlled the world, bending it to her will. Any screams of cries against her and she'd be out for another kill.

There are monsters in the world that hide with a friendly face, and the wrecked morals of the serpentine queens does nothing less than rest the case.

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