Prompt I love! <3

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Ok so credit to justhereforthehermit for this! I saw a prompt book and this was the first thing! They're also an amazing artist so you may wanna go look at some stuff they've done it's really cool! Also I just typed it bc I couldn't get the screenshot to work.
'She looked over and saw, him. Every bit of him was perfect. Time slowed to a stop. From this moment, her life was going to change forever because she had finally found him. The one. The first boy she would ever kill.'


The girl nodded along. It was the same boring stuff ever day.

More stuff.
Some class kids got hurt in.
More stuff.
Fifth nap of the day.
Bunch of other stuff she always got an A in.

Today though, something caught her attention. Her teacher actually opened her mouth and she actually listened. Maybe she got poisoned or something...

Or it was she was using the speaker. That was only used in emergencies because it left signals and this school wasn't what you would call legal..

"Attention class! Due to searches, we all have to disperse. But that isn't our concern. It's you kids. You're all orphans, in which the reason for you being here. You were all found at young ages and whatnot. Look. The point is we need to make sure you brats don't talk. Even if the worst of you were caught fighting, it would be suspicious. First person with a good idea will get one fourth of a dinner ration tonight."

Immediately, the girl watched as all the hands in her class of fifty three flew upwards. She rolled her eyes, keeping her feet on the desk and arms crossed. They all earned rations. She'd been stealing them for nearly her whole time here.

Seven years. She was thirteen now, and a thief since six.

She remembered the day she was brought here. She got caught by the principal so to say.

One day she was crying in a store and saying she lost her mommy. When strangers would try to help her hands would find goodies. He was the only one who caught her.

Brought back to reality by the bell, she swiftly left, all the kids moving out of her way for her. She earned her dominance, and she wasn't gonna lower it. She quickly left the building, not caring if anyone cared.

Head down and hands seemingly in pockets, she made her way through the busy streets. Reaching a narrow alleyway, she turned in and quietly climbed up a ladder and onto a roof. She sat and laid out the junk her mindless hands had quickly stolen. A fancy watch, about $100 in twenties, and a ring box.

She snickered and opened the box, only to find a beautiful diamond ring.

Oh yeah, that couple wasn't gonna be happy.

Swinging her legs over the building, she looked out at the sky, once again remembering the nights she would spend with her now dead father, deceased bestie, and that little butterfly that always returned. She sadly smiled at the thoughts of what she has- No. Had. The thought of what she had. Now she was on her own. Just like how she began. On her own. If you think about it- We all are. At some point we all are/will be alone. Wether it's in the grave or a daily life we are all alone sometimes. Alone and by ourselves.

She sat there in silence, before a noise behind her rang out. Quickly, her hood was pulled on.

She looked over and saw, him. Every bit of him was perfect. Time slowed to a stop. From this moment, her life was going to change forever because she had finally found him. The one. The first boy she would ever kill.

He looked at her. "Uhh hey, sorry this place taken..?" She stood up and walked over, extending a hand. "Nope. Your name?" The boy looked taken off guard by her suddenness, but shook her hand. "A.J. You?" She shook her head, not noticing a single brown curl fall down. "Don't have one."

He eyes her oddly. "You sure?" She looked right at him. "Did I stutter?" He shook is head. "No... may I ask, what's with you eye...? It's silver.." She jumped back and pulled her hood down more.

Stupid killable boys..

"Nothing. Don't mention it 'kay?" He nodded. "It's cool though! Say, can I get your number, we could hang some time!" She smiled. This was easy. "Sure." She quickly swiped his phone and entered her number.

Ok, the number of the phone she stole from some rich dude. She wiped it first though in case there wasn't anything she was supposed to see!

There wasn't. She went through it then wiped it.

She handed him his phone back. "Here." He took it, shocked. "Wait I don't remember-" "I know. Quick hands I guess. So I'll see you around then?" Before he could say anything more, she had jumped the roof, pulling herself into a broken window and making it back, quickly sending a few messages and tracking his household.

[Time Skip]

She grinned, astonished and excited. Looking down at the boy, she admired her work. Her knife, lodged into his heart, blood still pouring. His eyes, wide in fear and glassy. His mouth just opening to scream, and his skin pale and cold. It excited her. A lot. And. And if this, this, what what love felt like, she wanted more.

[A/N HERE!] [Again, credit justhereforthehermit for the prompt!]

[Don't kill boys. (cough, translation: Don't kill them and confess about it) But I kinda wanna do an alternate ending to this...]

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