5,000 (Days)

307 21 12

So.. This chapter is kinda a celebration chapter (For the 5k reads!!) and is sorta angsty? (Not really.) I love angst but the ending doesn't- Ok, it does end with everyone dying, but it's not bloody. It's more cheesy since I wrote this really late at night over like 12 different tries too so yeah. I swear it isn't bad just trust me-

Word Count: 3,977

They all knew they were going to die at some point, everyone was. But do you think any of them cared to much? No! The Hermits all had each other and were happy like that.

See, they all had died at some point, but respawn existed for a reason. They could die though, like, forever. But that would happen in natural, due time. When they were supposed to- Old age mainly. Nobody had seen it happen to another, but they knew what would happen- You'd feel tired and more calm, at peace. Everyone would get a little message from the server that they were near-death and the person would die painlessly in their next sleep.

But again, nobody cared. They knew it was coming, but they all tried to embrace the time they had. They could die in three years, two seconds, or could be dying, nobody really knew.

So, you couldn't exactly blame them for partly freaking out when they received the message.

<Server> Death message warning; 5,000 days left
<Grian> Xisuma? What's that mean..?!
<Xisuma> No idea
<Joe> Well who's gonna die!?
<Zed> What!?
<Xisuma> Guys calm down.
<Xisuma> Everyone meet me in the Town Hall.

And let me tell you, it became flocked and crowed faster than anything any of them have seen. (Yes even you getting into people nerves, Grian)

As everyone started bombarding Xisuma with a bewildering amount of questions. After signaling for everyone to quiet for the third time, the poor admin sighed and just yelled.

"Can everyone just SHUT UP?!"

In which, people did. They all stared at him, mouths unmoving and quiet, the looks in their eyes telling a much different story. Xisuma held up his hands. "Look, I have no idea what is happening. Ok? I have no idea why that message was sent and no idea-"

Someone spoke up. "Who's gonna die though?!"

Panic yet again flooded through everyone- They all felt fine! What had it even meant in the first place?! And in this panicked frenzy, Joe pulled Xisuma aside and gave him a knowing look.

"I know you know what this means." He said.

Xisuma sighed. "Not know, but guess."


"Well," He began, "Everyone here is apart of this server. It just said 5,000 days till someone died. And it didn't say who. Which leaves me to believe..."

Joe finished off the sentence in a low breath. "That the message was meant for everyone..."

Slowly, X nodded. "I'll have to check the coding and all but.."

Joe nodded. "Yeah.."

"Keep everyone distracted for me?"

"Sure." Joe walked away and cleared his throat, Xisuma quickly drowning out his speech on something with big words. He hadn't even checked the coding. He knew that it meant everyone. He had no idea why, but he knew it.

Said admin walked over to Joe, who nodded and silenced. Xisuma gave the hermits a weary smile and basically said the dumbest thing you could every say to these people.

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