Hot Water

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As he stepped into the shower, Xisuma closed his eyes and sighed as the warm water relieved the exhaustion and pain from the days of consistent work. He hadn't stopped to eat or sleep, even coding when he was using the bathroom. He pressed his arms to the wall, sinking down, letting the heat take over and drown everything out. He thought over everything. Not just the week, or the feeling of starvation and deprivation of basic humanly needs. Letting his tears fall and swirls with the water he thought of everything. All he ever did was program, program, program, and program. He put every burning minute into keeping the server up-to-date, and wore himself down to nothing. He never asked for help, and nobody offered. He avoided contact because he didn't understand it. He'd look around and see people talking and interacting and hugging and joking, and then there was him. He normally would stand in a corner, and bury his nose in his codes. He got so lost in code and lonesome he wished it otherwise. He programmed and programmed, and programmed some more. He made himself company. He made Ex out of raw code. He messed up from pure exhaustion. Ex went wrong, and everyone hated him. Of course, he never took the credit. He just banned his own creation, and majorly gave up on socializing. How was he supposed to make real friends when his own code- designed to work with him- failed?! He shook his head and sighed, slowly letting everything numb over, as he lost his senses. Ex was luckier than him and he wasn't even meant to be here. At least people made a point of saying how they didn't want him around. He looked over at his helmet and brought a finger to the bags under his eyes.

Nobody ever noticed because of the helmet, but nobody ever asked why he had it.
Nobody ever asked if he was ok.
Nobody ever told him to take a break.
Nobody made a real attempt to hang out.
Nobody really noticed anything he didn't anyways.
Nobody saw that his kitchen was full of food and that he was starving.
Nobody noticed all the small bug fixes he spent time correcting.
Nobody said anything about him overworking.
Nobody did anything about it.
Nobody cared.

And he just kept working. He gripped his gut as a pain surged through once again. He needed to eat, and he needed to sleep. But he couldn't. If he didn't fix everything then everyone would complain so he needed to work. That was the reason he was kept around. Work. Nobody said anything besides complaints. Nobody said anything else. He starved and tired, worked and exhausted, denied basic needs and kept living. Closing his eyes he relaxed a little, the water seeming to come over as a blanket for his thoughts. The facts. The facts of nobody cared and he wasn't needed. He hadn't left his base in days and nobody mentioned it. He'd have to lean on stuff in exhaustion. Nobody mentioned it. Nobody mentioned the helmet, nobody mentioned him. He was just the person you complained to about stuff. Like everyone else was the Karen and he was the manager. His breathing slowed as the steam and humidity from the heat grew, just like the burning thoughts. Why was he here anyways. He could just leave and nobody would even care. Nobody cared now anyways so why would they care later. Exactly. They wouldn't. If he walked outside without his helmet, nobody would even notice the bags of exhaustion. If he showed off the kitchen full of food and said he starved himself nobody would flinch. If he just stopped all this nobody would notice until they had an issue. And they'd complain. But he wouldn't respond. Wouldn't fix it. Wouldn't even think of it. He wouldn't be able to. He smiled as he felt the steam rolling off him and the water relax his muscles. The aches and pains numbed away and his thoughts fogged, faded, and dissipated. His arms slowly began to give way and weaken, as his body slowly went limp, giving into the warmth of this inviting water. Like the hug he always wished to get but never did. Feeling like steam comforted the fall of his head, like the friends he didn't have would've, and the heat stay with him in a hug he so dearly desired. The thud of his body hitting ground like friends would cheer when he did something right. The water hitting and coming down on him in a comfort like a friend would have done if he had someone to talk to. He watched the the water as it went down the drain, alongside his hopes of friends, dreams of a good life, and wishes to be appreciated. His breathing slowed and his eyes closed as his life too went down the drain, the water and steam and heat being the only thing to comfort his tired and overworked muscles, the thoughts he held and the self denial which brought him here. His body went limp as he finally gave in, the water- the only thing being there to comfort him.

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