Special Chapter 18

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As she sinks deeper into the hole she gets ready to kill anything that is a threat down there. "Good luck Ruby" her team and Ozpin and Freya said, she just smiles and nods before going serious again and she has fully sunk in and the hole slowly closes.

Ruby can be seen falling from the skies of Helheim and she lands making a crater, she sighs and says to herself, "Alright, lets do this" and she begins her journey going deeper into the depths of Helheim.

Ruby can be seen falling from the skies of Helheim and she lands making a crater, she sighs and says to herself, "Alright, lets do this" and she begins her journey going deeper into the depths of Helheim

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As soon as she climbs the ledge she is imminently faced with Hel-walkers of various types, some were using swords and some used magic to make small ice walls to hide themselves. Ruby wasted no time and ran at one of them and blocked on of their sword swings and stab it in its core which kills it. She runs to one of the ranged attackers and as she was about to strike, it made the wall explode covering her with ice magic that slows her down. She sees one of them swing at her and she rolled away just in time to dodge it and she stabbed its neck. She proceeds to kill the rest of them with more caution this time.

After that encounter she walks further in through a man-made path that was covered in snow that won't move an inch. She ventures deeper and deeper constantly encountering weak Hel-walkers that just throws themselves at her. "Die you annoying thing!" she said punching one away annoyed. "The cold I can deal with, but you are just annoying" she said to one of them even though she knew they couldn't understand her. After a couple of hours and some simple puzzles she has reached a wide pathway where the souls of Helheim were walking in one direction.

She saw a giant gate that had a strange orb holder of sorts, she was confused and she saw a broken piece of something in the ground with the same orb holder but with something white and glowing in it

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She saw a giant gate that had a strange orb holder of sorts, she was confused and she saw a broken piece of something in the ground with the same orb holder but with something white and glowing in it. She tried touching it but nothing happened so she tried throwing her blade at it and it got grabbed by the blade, she quickly figured out what to do and threw the white thing at the empty orb container of the gate and it opened slowly. She walked through it and saw another big gate but in the way were two big looking guards with full armor on and both have a giant swords with runes on them. She readied herself for the fight, one of them charged at her but she easily dodged and put some heavy strikes onto its armor which didn't do much but it was still something.

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