Chapter 15

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I woke up from my sleep but it felt different, there was no breathing next to me and I'm laying on something  hard. I opened my eyes and looked around, I wasnt at beacon anymore I was at a place where there was no life, full of grimm, the sky was blood red, and there is a big castle in front of me. My blades were also next to me so I picked them up and went to the giant entrance of the castle. I pushed on it but it didnt open so I stepped back and rammed it making it burst open.

I walked inside of it and almost everything was colored dark grey and the carpets were crimson. I walked through the big hallways until there was one entrance that was sticking out. There were strange marks on it and had thorns on the outline, and I heard voices inside as well. I stretched a bit before slamming it open which shocked almost everyone and made them stare at me. The room was long and wide and was surrounded by windows and there was a long table and some wierd seats and one throne at the end of the table.

There was a male with a scorpion tale, another man with short hair and a moustache; there was another one but this one looked more muscular; Cinder; and lastly another woman with pale skin, a black dress, white hair, and black veins on her face and hands.

Me: "Well isnt it a suprise to see you here Cinder.. is what I would have said if I wasnt suspicious about you. And what do you know my suspicions were proven right"

Cinder: "What are you doing here Y/N ?" She said with a hint of anger

Moustache guy: "You two know each other ?"

Me: "Yes we do"

Scorpion: "Why would you tell the enemy your name !?"

Cinder: (sigh) "I told him my name because-"

Me: "She was flirting with me"

The others looked at her with mixed exppresions like confusion or anger and she did not look happy at all. The pale woman smirk and a small chuckle.

Pale woman: "Alright thats enough all of you, now Y/N I have a proposition for you"

Me: "Hold on, before any propositions I need to know your name"

Salem: "My name is Salem"

Me: "Oh you're the one Ozpin told me about"

Salem: "So Ozpin has told you about me ?" I nod "then you must know I can't be killed. And those blades your holding, I can tell they're not from around here am I right ?"

Me: "Ok first anything can be killed you just have to try hard enough and second yes these are not from around here. And if you want to know where I got that from... well it's none of your fucking business"

Scorpion person: "How dare you talk to her like that !?"

Me: "I can't see why talking like that would be bad"

He gets angry and charges at me, he jumps and tries to hit me but I quickly sidestep and grab hist tail with my arm. He smirked and wrapped it around my arm, but this time when I smirk he lost his. I slam him into the ground multiple times while the others were just watching. While I was still smashing him,

Scorpion guy: "My queen" (smash) "please" (smash) "help" (smash) "me" (big smash)

Salem: "I will not, if you can't fight for yourself what use do I have for you"

I slam him one more time into the ground making it crack, I put my foot on his back and ripped his tail off of him. He screamed in pain as blood came spewing out from where it was torn off. I get off him, drop his tail next to him and he just ran away still screaming slightly. The others except for Salem watched in terror at what I did.

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