Chapter 20

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You and Ruby along with Ironwood are going up the very long elevator ride, "Ugh.. can this thing go any faster? I could have climbed up faster than this" you complain a bit mad, Ironwood said nothing and Ruby just hugged you and told you to calm down and you sigh and wait for the rest of the agonizingly long trip. After some time you finally arrived at the top, "Finally!" you say rushing out the elevator.

"Ah welcome, come on sit down" Ozpin said and you and Ruby sat down while Ironwood stood next to Ozpin's desk. "So how are you two feeling?" he asked, "Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching record wasn't 0-for-three." Ruby said. Everyone stared silently which made Ruby sink in her seat until Ironwood spoke up, "Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress is all about. You recognized a threat. You took action. And you did the very best you could." Ruby said thanks and then Ozpin asked what had happened.

You decided to keep the fact that you knew it was Cinder, and after the explanation Ozpin can be seen thinking until Glynda suddenly spoke up, "Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?". You were surprised when Glynda spoke, "M-mom, I didn't notice you were here. She chuckled and hugged you, "Well I am a huntress after all, and I can be good at hiding my presence if I want to," with that said it made the mood less serious. Ozpin cleared his throat making Glynda let go and Ironwood confused, "Back to the question, your answer Ruby?" Ozpin asked.

(Things continue the same until Ruby was sent back down to her dorm)

"Thank you for your cooperation, Ruby. Why don't you go and spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you, Y/N you can stay." Ozpin said and Ruby nodded and gave you a quick kiss before leaving. After Ruby left Ironwood spoke up, "Ozpin, do you mind explaining why you only asked Ruby to leave and not Y/N?". "Because I trust him and he knows about Salem" Ozpin said and Ironwood nodded and continued, "Now if what Ruby said was true, we should send as many troops as we can to the southeast, find out exactly what's going on, and eradicate any forces that stand in our way".

Glynda growls with frustration, "Why must your answer to everything involve a triumphant display of military bravado!? You treat every situation like it's a contest of measuring di-!". "Glynda!" Ozpin stopping Glynda and you barely hold in your laugh letting a little chuckle and you hug Glynda still smiling, "Calm down mom" she sighs and eventually calms down and you let go. Ozpin sighs before saying, "She's right. As much as I too would love to end this situation once and for all, we must remember that this may go beyond Vale. Beyond Beacon. And if this truly is part of some master plan for which we know not the final move, we mustn't be so bold. Nor can we risk the spread of panic."

Ironwood said angrily, " I have served you faithfully for years... but if you mean to tell me that your plan is to really hold the defenses, and wait—!" but before he could finish Ozpin abruptly stood up from his chair and said, "It is not! You're a general, James. So tell me, when you prepare to go to war, which do you send in first? The flag bearers, or the scouts?"

You realize that this was going to take a while so you prepared for the long argument while occasionally joining and calming down Glynda when she got mad again. In that time you also explained to Ironwood who you call James now to piss him off why you called Glynda your mom and after some time the it was over, "Y/N I suggest you head to the auditorium now I am about to make a speech" Ozpin said and you nodded and headed to the window, "What are you doing Y/N? Don't try anything stupid" Glynda said but you merely smiled and jumped out of Ozpins window while shouting, "Sorry but the elevator takes too long!". And you fall down to the ground which made a giant crater and a very loud noise which is sure to alert some teachers and students but you didn't mind and you just stood up and walked to the auditorium.

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