Chapter 26

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(AN: I really didn't expect there would be people still reading this after months of not uploading. Thx for sticking around)

As Mercury was being taken away on a stretcher, we went down do congratulate Ruby.

Yang: "That was amazing Ruby! I can't believe you were able to do those sorts of attacks!"

Weiss: "But don't you think it was a bit much with that last attack you did?"

Ruby: "Well.. I guess I did go a little overboard" She was with a smile

Me: "Naah, that was definitely still ok, there's much more ways more brutal than that finisher"

Ruby: "Thanks for the backup" She said hugging my arm

Me: "*Chuckle* No problem, now I think it's gonna be my match in a few minutes so you should probably go back now"

Ruby: "Alright, you probably won't need it but good luck!"

Yang, Weiss, Blake: "Good luck"

Me: "Thanks guys, make sure to cheer for me"

And after that I see them go back to the stands and I went to the waiting room and also met some other contestants that have yet to be called. After a few more minutes of waiting the speakers turned on,

Oobleck: "I hope everyone has gotten their snacks because the next match is about to start!"

Port: "Now, lets see who our two contestants will be!"

I see the selection screen scrolling through lots of people, but I already know what the match up is gonna be.


(In Ozpin's office)

Me: "Hey Ozpin, I've got a favor to ask if you don't mind"

Ozpin: "It depends, what's it for?"

Me: "It's for the Vytal festival later during the 1v1 matches"

Ozpin: "Alright, lets hear it" he said intrigued

Me: "If you don't mind can you put me up against Phyrra later, because the other fighters are likely just gonna loose to her or me anyways so why not just speed it up, and she is the closest one besides probably Ruby to give me an actual challenge"

Ozpin: "Hmm what you said is true.. I'll see what I can do, anything else you might want to ask of me while you're here?"

Me: "Nah thats all really"

Ozpin: "I see, then have a nice day Y/N"

Me: "Yeah, you too Oz"

*Flashback end*

Oobleck: "It's Y/N L/N from team RWBY against Phyrra Nikos from team JNPR!"

Port: "Would both fighters please come out to the arena"

I get up and out of the waiting room and head to the arena and on the other side I can see Phyrra and hear the crowd cheering as we make our ways to the center of the arena.

Me: "Hope you're ready to lose"

Phyrra: "Could say the same to you"

Me: "To a good match" I say reaching my arm forward

Phyrra: "To a good match" She says as we shook

Oobleck: "The match will start in 3, 2, 1"

Port: "GO!"

3rd POV

Y/N and Phyrra dash back weapons in hand and waiting who'll make the first move as they circle around the center. Then in an instant both of them ran at each other, Phyrra went for a quick downwards strike which Y/N quickly deflected with his shield and sent a jab aimed at her stomach.

She quickly blocked it with her own shield and dashed back while throwing her spear boosting its speed with her semblance. Y/N grabbed the spear and spun around keeping its momentum and using it along with his own strength sent it back 4 times its speed before.

Phyrra barely had enough time to block it, and since the spear was sent with some upwards force her hands along with the shield got knocked upwards allowing Y/N to land a clean and nasty strike on her chest sending her flying back into a wall. That strike alone already took away about half of Phyrra's aura.

Phyrra was able to stop herself from crashing by jamming her shield into the ground and got her spear back with her semblance and jammed it into the ground too while using her semblance the best she can to push them downwards. She did just enough that she was inches away from the wall. Her heart was racing and her mind was going at insane speeds trying to think of a plan to potentially take Y/N down. She looked up to see Y/N not moving an inch and looking at her with a grin.

Phyrra slowly got up and ran right back while throwing her shield at Y/N. Y/N quickly defelected it but Phyrra made it curve back round and Y/N was able to catch it but was pierced in his back with Phyrra's spear. She quickly took it out and called her shield back.

Y/N: "That was quite smart of you, but about now is when I think I'll end it" he said as his wound healed

Phyrra was on the ready looking out for when Y/N was going to attack, little did she know he already started his attack. She felt the ground below her get hotter and she quickly jumped up avoiding the hand of fire that was about to catch her.

'Got ya' Y/n thought as he threw his blades and they wrapped around Phyrra before she gets pulled in by Y/N and got a kick to the face, before getting slammed from side to side. And for Y/N's finisher, he slammed Phyrra onto the ground one more time before sticking both blades into the ground next to her and jumping up above her, then pulling on the blades bringing him down very quickly and he landed with two feet on Phyrra's stomach, fully breaking her aura.

Port: "And that's the match, the winner is Y/N!"

The crowed cheered for him, he smiled and waved before picking Phyrra up and giving her to the medical team so she can go to the infirmary.

Oobleck: "Stay tuned folks for we have one last match for the day that will start in 10 minutes"

1st POV

I went back and met up with the others a few minutes later

Ruby: "Your fight was amazing Y/N, that finisher was awesome!" She said jumping in excitement

Yang: "I've gotta agree with Ruby here, that was a really amazing fight, wonder if Phyrra's gonna be ok tho"

Me: "She'll be fine, she's just gonna be hurting for a while"

Weiss: "If what Ruby did at her wasn't overkill then certainly what Y/N did just now had to be right?" she asked her team

Ruby: "I mean, yeah a little but it wasn't that bad"

Weiss: "Ughh.. seriously!?"

Blake: "In any case why don't we get back to the stands and wait for the next fight?"

Me: "Sure, lets go" I say before carrying Ruby making her blush

Ruby: "Hey Y/N why here? let me dooooown!" She pouted and struggled but her efforts were waisted

We got a good laugh from that as we head back to the stands waiting for the last fight for the day.

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