Chapter 22

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(After the battle)

"And team RWBY wins completely wiping out team ABRN!" Port announced. "We are going to have a short break, the audience can buy their selves some snacks at the fairgrounds or they can just wait here until the next match begins" Oobleck continued. After that was announced some people including me started leaving. I left the arena and went looking for Ruby and the rest of my team.

I arrived at the fairgrounds and walked around a bit before I find my team and walk over to them, "Hey guys" I say and they all turn to me. "Y/N!" Ruby said as she hugged me. "So how was our match?" Ruby asked. "I bet it was amazing huh?" Yang said confidently with a smirk on her face. I put a smirk of my own and answer back, "Meh, I've seen better". This puts an annoyed look on everyone's faces and Ruby gives me a pouting face, "Cute" I say which makes her blush and hide her face in my chest which earned a chuckle from.

Then Blake's stomach grumbles loudly and she looked embarrassed, "Looks like someone's hungry huh?" I say and she turns her head away from me and I could hear her mumble 'shut up'. Yang laughed before saying, "Come on guys I know just the place where we can get some good food" Yang said as she started walking and we all followed.

We didn't get far before we heard a voice behind us, "Hey! Might be hard to eat without this." We turn around to find to find a girl with lightly colored green hair holding out a red wallet. Ruby panics and checks herself, "No, no, no, no!". "*Laugh* Good to see you, Ruby." The girl said. Ruby took the wallet and put it in her pocket before looking back at the girl, "Oh! Thanks, Emerald! Guess I dropped it. Girl pockets are the worst!" she said. 'So her name's Emerald huh' I think to myself.

"What's up, Em?" Yang asked. "Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!" She said with a smile. 'That smile is fake as fuck' I think to myself as Ruby blushed and mumbled, "Oh, shut your stupid little face...". Blake stepped forward, "I heard your team progressed to the next round too." She said. "You know, I feel that we haven't seen your other teammates." Weiss says not moving from her spot.

"How'd they do in the fight?" Yang added. Emerald tilts her head up seemingly remembering or thinking about something before she looks back down answering, "Really well". "That's great. Uh. Why don't we all go and get a victory food together?" Ruby asked innocently. "Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you, but my teammates are all kind of... *She looks at a dude with grey hair smelling the inside of a boot* ...introverted. Really socially awkward." She said.

Yang nods, "Ooh, yeah, I could see that". "Oh yeah, looks like Merc and I are going to move on to the doubles round. What about you guys?" She asks. Ruby puts a proud look face on her face, "Well, as the leader of this team, I thought long and hard about this decision.". Weiss buts in, "We put it to a vote" and lets Ruby continue. "Yes, so, but I decided that we should put it to a vote." Ruby said nervously

"We voted for Weiss and Yang." Blake said getting to the point. "Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya." She said. Yang has a confident look as she says, "Wouldn't have it any other way". "Alright, well we're going to catch some more fights" Emerald says before leaving. "Have fun!" Ruby said waving her hands, Emerald only looked back a bit and waved before disappearing behind a corner.

"Well lets go to the place now, I'm getting even more hungry by the second" Yang said walking as we follow. We arrive to place she was talking about and on the top it half a sign that said 'A Simple Wok', we all sat down and an old man comes to us and everyone else ordered but I said that I'll see how much food one portion has. The old man nodded and quickly handed pretty big looking bowls filled to the brim with noodles.

I smirk, "Alright give me an extra large one" I say and the rest of my team gives me a shocked look, "What? I wanna eat" I say. "But that much!?" Weiss asked. "Yes that much, don't worry about me I can finish it *I look back to the old man* if you would be so kind" I said and he nodded before going to the back of the place and it takes 30 seconds longer before he put a bowl maybe twice as large as the rest of my team's bowls and they were shocked at the size of it.

The old man looks expectantly at us with his hand out and Weiss gives him her credit card, "Aw, Weiss! What's the occasion!?" Yang asked. "Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round." She said but the card gets flung back to the table and sticks right next to her hand 'Damn, nice throw old man' I say in my head. I saw that the register said declined and he quickly began taking everyone's bowls but I grabbed his hand before he could take mine and gave him enough money for me and he smiled and let me eat my food.

"Where did you get lien from Y/N?" Ruby asked. I swallowed some noodles before speaking, "Got them from Ozpin, he pays me to be at this academy". "Wait what, Ozpin pays YOU not the other way around!?" Weiss asked in disbelief and I nodded. "Y/N could you pay for us? Pretty please?" Ruby asked giving her best puppy dog eyes and I smirk but Pyrrha interrupts, "Maybe I could help?" She says as the rest of her team follow behind her.

"Pyrrha!" Ruby says happily. "Aw, you don't have to ..." Yang said. "But she could!!!" Blake said quickly with some drool coming out of her mouth. "Well, I think you all earned it after that battle." She said. "Mind if we join you?" Jaune asks. "Yeah sure it's the least we can do" Ruby said and team JNPR took their seats and ordered. "Time to dig in!" Yang says excitedly as we all eat our noodles.

(Little Timeskip)

Everyone else finished their meals and they were either content or they were holding their stomachs but me on the other hand, "Another one!" I say as I put the newly finished bowl in the bowl stack beside me. The old man sweatdropped and went to make me another one, "How are you able to eat so much?" Ruby asks me holding her stomach. "I don't know but I'm glad I can" I say as the old man puts another bowl down and I put the lien on the table and start chowing down on the noodles.

"Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?" Ren asks Pyrrha. "Of course! It will give us energy!" Pyrrha said. And right after that Nora lets out a loud burp. "If I barf, I'm blaming you." Jaune says putting his heads and hands on the table on the table. Nora grins evilly, "Aim it at the enemy!". "Nora, that's disgusting. But if you feel the urge ..." Ren said. "Got it." Jaune says giving a weak thumbs up not sitting up.

I asked for another one but the old man said that there was none left, "My Oum.. you singlehandedly finished his entire noodle supply" Yang said in disbelief. "Well they tasted great, I couldn't help myself" I say.

Pyrrha giggles before standing up from her stool, "Well, we should be off". "So, you think you guys are ready?" Ruby asked. "Of course! We've got a world-renowned fighter on our team, one's basically ninja, I can bench five of me, Jaune, we trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore, and uh... Jaune!" Nora said.

"Are you gonna take that?" Ruby asked Jaune. "She's not wrong" Jaune replied. And Nora started talking about something and she basically had a mental meltdown and slammed her head against the table. "So, yeah, we're feeling pretty good" Ren said unfazed by what happened.

"Don't fret. If anything, we should be looking forward to a fight with actual guidelines, and not, well, ...murderers." Pyrrha said. "Yeah, don't sweat it, we've all faced way worse before" Yang said. "Let's see. Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath.." Blake said counting each one with her fingers. "And that's all while were still in training! Oh, imagine what it would be like to graduate!" Ruby said in her usual happy self.

"Maybe then I'll be able to pay for a meal" Weiss says sarcastically. "Would Team JNPR please report to the battlegrounds immediately!" Port announced through the speaker. "Yes! Like they were scheduled to, several minutes ago!" Oobleck added. "Well, it looks like this is it." Pyrrha said. "Go get 'em!" Ruby said as team JNPR walk away.

"Well we should get going too, we don't want to miss their match" Yang says, we nod and head to the arena. We got in our seats just in time as Port announces that its team JNPR against team BRNZ, everyone cheered and Port started the countdown, "Three, two, one, begin!" and the two teams dash at each other ready to fight.

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