Chapter 17

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(Well after that long break i'm going to get back into writing and i do not have any particular upload schedule)

My team and team JNPR all spent the rest of the day with my future family until it was time to say goodbye because a portal had opened up

Future Ruby: "You think thats our ticket back home ?" She asked other me

He stuck his head in for a couple seconds before popping back out and said, "Yes it is, well looks like we'll be going now. See ya later everyone" he said to the rest of us

We all said our goodbyes to each other and the future family went into the portal and it closed, "That was an interesting set of events" Ruby said and she got nods of agreement from all of us.

(Time Skip 1 Week)

It has been one week now since anything interesting has happened. I am currently walking in a hallway with Ruby and the rest of my team after another one of Professor Ports boring classes. Its now time for lunch and nothing really interesting happens, so now I'm heading back to my dorm room with the rest of my team. When we were about to enter I felt the worst headache of my life, I was holding my head in pain and I almost fell but Ruby caught me.

Ruby: "Y/N are you okay !? Your burning up !" She said worried

Me: "Just.. get me.. to a bed" I muttered out

They quickly opened the door to the room and laid me down on a bed while I was still clutching my head in pain, "Yang call Ozpin now !" Ruby shouted at Yang, "On it !" She replied and quickly got her scroll and called Ozpin, "Professor we need help, Y/N just suddenly got a headache and his body is burning up !" After some silence, "Alright hurry ! (she hangs up) he's coming as fast as he can with some doctors"

Ruby: "Just hang on Y/N, the doctors are gonna be here soon" she says holding my hand

A few minutes later the doctors and Ozpin arrived, "What is the problem with Y/N ?" Ozpin said with worry in his voice, "We don't know he just suddenly got a headache when we were about to go in our dorm and his body also became very hot" Ruby said. Ozpin told the doctors to check up on me. Ruby asked them if I was going to be alright, the doctors said they will do the best they can and also told her to help bring me to the infirmary.

So the whole team helped and I am now in the infirmary bed and the doctors gave a sedative and I slowy fall asleep

3rd POV

"Do you know what caused this?" Ruby asked the doctors worried

"This looks like a common sickness but we think it's more complicated than that" One of them answered

'Knowing Y/N he shouldn't have gotten sick so easily or even be sick in the first place' Ozpin thought to himself then said, "I'm going to call a.. friend for some help"

Ozpin left the room and went to his office, he got his scroll and called a contact, "I need your help with something" he said and after a few moments of silence his room was filled  with a bright green light and as it dissapeared a woman can be seen

Ozpin left the room and went to his office, he got his scroll and called a contact, "I need your help with something" he said and after a few moments of silence his room was filled  with a bright green light and as it dissapeared a woman can be seen

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"Long time no see Ozpin" the woman said

"A long time indeed Freya" Ozpin answered

"So, what do you need help for? It isn't often that you need my help with something" she said.

"Well this time it's a.. unique case. You see, I have a student who's actually a god and has killed gods before, and for some reason he just suddenly got a headache and his body was burning up" he explained

"Hmmm, and who did you say this god was?" She asked

"He's called Y/N and he comes from a land called Sparta" he answered

"Well let me take a look at him and I'll see what I can do"

Ozpin nods and leads Freya to the infirmary where Ruby can be seen holding your hand with a worried look on her face. When she notices Ozpin and Freya come in she asks,

"Is she the one thats going to heal Y/N?" She asks referring to Freya

"I'm not sure if I can heal him but I'll see what I can do" she puts her hands on your head and says, "this is no ordinary illness, this is the type of illness that only affects the gods"

"W-what do you mean by that? A-are you saying Y/N is a god?" Ruby asked in disbelief

"Oh forgive me, by the look of things you two look close I thought he would have told you but it seems I was wrong to assume" she said

"I-its fine I just need some time to take this in, but can you heal him?" She asks still worried

"Right now I can only stabilize him but I can heal him if you can get a special ingredient only found in Helheim and the only weapon that you are able to use are those"  Freya said pointing to the Blades of Chaos

"Alright so your saying if I can get this special ingredient in this Helheim place you can heal Y/N?" Freya nods, "Then I'll have to train with these for a few months, can you stabilize him for that long?"

"I definitely can and it's made easier considering he is a god and all, and since your going to be using those blades you need to go through something very painful first" she said

"I can handle it, as long as Y/N gets healed I'll do it" Freya nods and Ruby gets ready for the pain

"ßèpæřåþę œķ binð" she said in an unknown language and the blade's chains unwrap from your arms and begin to heat up and then it flies to Ruby's hands and wraps around it making her scream in pain as the blades burn into her skin. "It is done" she said

Ruby just slumps to the floor holding the chains on her hands, "Alright, now to train" she says and gets back up with determination"

Freya smiles, "Yes I do recommend you do that, now... Hëæł øķ fýĺğjæģð þꧧı ßøųľ" she said while putting her hand on your head and it begins to glow

Ruby is fascinated by that but she focuses and asks Ozpin if she can use the training area and he of coursed agreed and said that he would come too in case if any teachers say she needs permission. They arrive but no one was there and Ruby wanted to train but she didn't know where to start so she asked Ozpin, "Hey uh Professor Ozpin, could you teach me how to use these?"

He smirked and said, "Well I have used a number of weapons in my time, I suppose I could teach you"

Ruby smiled and got ready for the training ahead.

(Time skip a few months)

It has been a few months since Ruby has started training and she has gotten better at using the blades, she hasn't mastered them but she can still use them pretty well. Her body was more toned and she decided to remove her cape because it was bothersome,  her team was also informed about the situation in the beginning, they were shocked at first but they helped her train.

She and her team are now at Ozpin's office with Ruby ready to go to Helheim

"Alright remember when you have retrieved the heart of the keeper waste no time and return here understand?" Freya asked and Ruby nods then Freya says, "Måýhæňãř ßpįŕïþ mųňű băńîşhəð țįļ hĕłhëīm" and when she did a white circle appeared under Ruby with the cold rushing in as she slowly descends into Hel.

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