Chapter 25

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[AN:I don't know if there are people that are gonna read this but here it is I guess]

After that whole fiasco me and Qrow went back to my teams dorm.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow, Y/N your back! What happened it Ozpins office?"

Me: "Nothing important you should worry about Ruby" I say walking past her while ruffling her head a bit before laying down on your bed.

Qrow: "Hold on, what the heck was that about?" Qrow asks a bit angry.

Ruby: "Oh... uh, I guess I never told you, Uncle Qrow meet my boyfriend Y/N."

Qrow: "What.. the.. fuck is even happening anymore..." Qrow said with a tired sigh pinching the bridge of his nose, "I need a drink" he said before leaving before Ruby could stop him.

Ruby: "Uhh.. I guess that went better that it could've gone."

Me: " Really? What was the worst that could've happened"

Ruby: "Him getting overprotective of me and threatening you and maybe starting a fight"

Me: "I guess that is worse"

Then a minute later Yang came in the room.

Yang: "What was the deal with Uncle Qrow there? He looked really out of it"

Me: "Ruby just told Qrow that we're dating, and it seems that he doesn't have the mental capacity left to handle the information"

Yang: "Ah, considering he's always drunk that would make sense"

Ruby: "Hey Yang wanna play?" Ruby asked holding up a controller.

Yang: "You bet, get ready to get your butt kicked!" Yang said before grabbing the controller.


We're in the colosseum and Penny's team just won her match against CRDL and they're exiting the colosseum .

Ruby: "Her match was so cooool! Lets go see her Y/N!" Ruby said standing up pulling my hand.

Me: "*Chuckle* Alright alright, no need to rush, lets go" I say standing up and we went to the exit.

Ruby: "Penny!" She calls out with her hands open for a hug.

Penny: "Ruby, Y/N!" Penny also called back before pulling us both in a bone crushing hug.

Ruby: "Why..." Ruby grunted

Penny: "*Lets go* Ruby, Y/N meet my teammate" She stated energetically gesturing to the other girl.

Ciel: "Ciel Soleil" She says bowing formally

Ruby: "Hi! I'm Ru-" She got cut off.

Ciel: "Ruby Rose. 15. Hails from Patch. Leader of Team RWBY. Status: Questionable."

Me: "Right.. and I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

Ciel: "Odd.. I have no information regarding you"

Ruby: "*After a second of silence* Sooo... Penny! You two were incredible out there. How do you keep control of all those swords? It's so cool!"

Ciel: Penny? I believe it is best if we move on to our next location." She said gesturing to her watch.

Penny: "Can we please have a minute to talk?"

Ciel: "*checks watch* One minute" She said before stepping back and I follow her.

Me: "So, hows being in a team with Penny like?

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