Chapter 11

856 11 3

Me and my team are now finally in Glynda's class and I am very excited for my battle/spar with Yang. One because I get to fight someone strong and two is because of the bets that are being held, I wonder which teacher joined and bet for who. Now it's going to start,

Glynda: "Today we have a pre scheduled match, and that match is Y/N againts Yang" she announced to the class "now would you two change into your combat gear"

Yang: "Alright"

Me: "Got it"

And with that we head off to change into our combat gear. And a few minutes later we are now both in the arena and some are cheering for me some for Yang some for both.

Ruby: "Good luck Y/N !"

Blake: "Kick his butt Yang !"

Nora: "Y/N don't you dare loose !"

Pyrrha: "Good luck to both you !"

Glynda: "Alright are you two ready ?" We nod "Ok 3..2.." We get into our stances "1..GO !"

Yang was the first one to make a move as she dashes at me while using her gauntlets for momentum. When she was close she tried to punch me but I duck under her and I headbutt her causing her to stumble back abit. And while she is still dazed I rush at her and punch her in the gut into the ground making her skid along the ground.

Her aura is already halfway down and mine is still full, she is not happy about that because her eyes turned red and her hair is on fire. She dashed forward at me again a lot faster, but she was not fast enough. She threw a left hook and in a very quick motion I sidestepped, grabbed her arm with my right hand, punch it in the bottom of the elbow with my left hand, then kick her in the stomach  while still holding her, and finally I let go and punch her square in the face making her go flying back into the wall making it crack, her aura shattered, and unconscious.

Glynda: "The winner is Y/N ! With a flawless victory" after a few seconds of silence the crowd bursts into cheers and claps

Me: "Thank you thank you but now I'm gonna get Yang to the infirmary. Because I may have hit her too hard." I say as I walk over to her and pick her up bridal style and went to the infirmary. While I was walking to the exit, "You can continue without me"

Glynda: "Alright next match is..." I was already too far away to hear that

After a while of carrying her we arrived at the infirmary. I opened the door and the nurse asked,

Nurse: "What happened to her ?"

Me: "We were sparring in Glynda's class and I may have punched her too hard"

Nurse: (sigh) "Alright put her over there" she said while pointing over to the bed

I did what she told me to do and I put Yang on the bed still unconscious.

Nurse: "How hard did you even hit her to make her like this ?"

Me: "Hard enough to send her flying across the arena into a wall and cracking it"

Nurse: "Learn to control yourself next time"

Me: "Alright I'll be sure to do that, is it fine if I wait here until she's awake ?"

Nurse: "Yeah sure you can" she said as she left us both

(Small Time Skip)

Yang: "Ugghhh... my head.. it hurts" she says while rubbing her head

Me: "Yeah sorry about that I may have punched you too hard"

Yang: "Huh ? Oh right the sparring thing, so what happened when I was knocked out ?"

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