Chapter 7

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I have just found my team along with JNPR as well but no Jaune, I wonder where he could be. Everybody was already filling up their jars but it looks like they only started a few minutes ago. I picked a tree next to Ruby so I could talk to her.

Me: "Heya Ruby" I say while I stab the tree with one of my blades making the sap pour out of it

Ruby: "Oh hey Y/N, looks like you weren't lying about you not taking so long. So what did you and proffesor Goodwitch talk about ?"

Me: "Well what we talked about will be a suprise later on, but I don't really know how you'll react to it though"

Ruby: "I'm sure it won't be all that bad"

We just talk on and on about random stuff but we were interrupted when there was a loud roar and one of Cardins teamates was running away shouting,

Russel: "Ursa ursa !" (He runs into Yang accidentaly)

Yang: "What?!" (completely unfazed by his collision, she picks him up by the front of his shirt) "Where?"

Russel: (struggling and still running in air, but points back from where they came) "Back there! It's got Cardin!"

Pyrrha: (dropping her jar of sap) "Jaune!"

Ruby: (going into leader mode) "Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch!" (dropping Russel, Yang and Blake nod before following the orders) "Y/N your with me !"

Me: "Alright !"

Pyrrha: (to Ren and Nora as she and Ruby activate their weapons) "You two, go with them! There could be more!"

(Small time skip)

We were now at the place where the big ursa was and over there was a Cardin on the ground and the ursa about to eat its prey. The ursa raised its paw and swiped it down... only to be blocked by Jaune's shield. He struggles to defend a stunned Cardin from its attempts to lean on him, but Weiss lifts her rapier as she prepares to go help but,

Pyrrha: "Wait !"

Jaune takes the shield out from the Ursa's paw and slashes at its stomach, causing it to lash out and try to crush him. He rolls out of the way and jumps over its swipe at his feet, but he is unprepared for when it launches a claw at him in midair. He lands far away, yet is immediately back on his feet and passing Cardin as he charges again. The Ursa knocks Jaune behind it when he tries for a leaping attack, and he looks at the Scroll in his shield to find out that his Aura level is in the red. He grows angry again and starts to run at the Ursa as it also begins to dash towards him.

As they are just about to clash, Pyrrha sees that Jaune has left himself completely open to the Ursa's attack, and lifts her hand out to him, gathering dark red energy in her arm. Just as the Ursa is about to hit him, the glow surrounds Jaune's shield and makes it lift up to block the swipe. Jaune uses the surprise defensive move to lean on the ground, push his shield back up, and swing his blade right through the Ursa's neck. The head falls to the ground as the body slams onto the ground.

I clap my hands a few times, "Bravo bravo"

Ruby: (as Pyrrha's hand stops glowing and she smiles) "Uhhh... What?"

Weiss: (equally amazed) "How did you...?"

Pyrrha: "Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs, I don't know what Y/N has but my semblance is polarity."

Ruby: "Whoa, you can control poles..."

Weiss: "No, you dunce! It means she has control over magnetism!"

Ruby: (still impressed, whispering) "Magnets are cool, too..."

Weiss: (noticing Pyrrha start to leave) "Wait, where are you going?"

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