Chapter 8

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We are now back in our dorm but Weiss and Blake are still arguing which to be honest is very annoying.

Weiss: "I don't understand why this is causing such a problem!"

Blake: "That is the problem!"

Weiss: (getting up from her bed) "You realize you are defending an organization that hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!"

Blake: (gets on her feet as well) "There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!"

Weiss: "People like me?"

Blake: "You're discriminatory!"

Weiss: "I'm a victim!" (as they stare each other down in silence, Weiss leans in close, leering as she speaks quietly) "You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus? (leaning against the bookshelf by the window) "It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood." (bangs her fist on the bookshelf)

Ruby: (going over to comfort her) "Weiss, I-"

Weiss: "No!" (turns away and walks back over to Blake) "You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!"

Blake: "Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!"

Silence drops down on the scene again. A surprised Weiss backs away slowly, and Blake realizes her mistake as she looks around at her teammates.

Blake: "I... I..." (she dashes out the door)

Ruby: "Blake, wait! Come back!" (she runs over to the door and calls to her down the hallway as Yang sits herself down and Weiss looks down)

Me: "I'll go after her, you guys stay here" I say and I run down the hallway and outside to beacon

Blake runs outside and arrives at a statue of an armored man with a sword and a hooded woman wielding an axe on an outcropping, staring at the Beowolf under the stone heroes in particular.

She closes her eyes and slowly lifts her arms up to her bow and pulls the string to release the bow from her hair. She wipes away a tear away as the camera pulls up to reveal her Faunus ears. On the verge of crying, she becomes startled when she hears a voice above her.

Monkey faunus: "I knew you would look better without the bow."

She turns around and looks up.

Blake: "Oh its just you, by the way whats your name ?"

Sun: "The names Sun Wukong"

Blake: "Well its good to know you Sun"

Me: "You know I agree with him, you look better without the bow"

She turns around again, "Y-Y/N you followed me here ?"

Me: "Yes I did, and don't worry I wont tell the rest of the team that you're a faunus until you're ready. And I'll just make an excuse that I lost track of you or something similar to that"

Blake: "O-oh ok, thank you Y/N. Lets go Sun" she says while walking away from beacon with Sun following

Sun turns around and says, "See ya dude, hope we meet again"

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