Chapter 2

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We were now in some kind of interogation room. The blond was just scolding us but I didn't really care on what she says. She then finally stops talking and a person with grey hair came in while holding a mug and a plate of cookies. But the first thing that he said was weird.

???: "Ruby rose.. you have silver eyes"

Well at least I know what her name is.

Ruby didnt know what to say and I dont blame her. She just looked at the person with mixed expressions.

???: "So, where did you learn to fight like this ?" The strange man asked

Ruby: "S-signal academy"

???: "They taught you how to use the most dangerous weapon ever designed ?"

Ruby: "Uhm.. one teacher in particular"

???: "I see"

He then puts the plates of cookies in front of Ruby, she slowly takes one and eats it then looks at the man, then starts to eat the cookies faster and faster until it was finished. She must like cookies a lot.

???: "Well I have only seen one person in particular, a dusty old crow"

Ruby then says with a mouthful of cookies something I couldnt understand. She cleared her throat then said "Sorry.. thats my uncle Qrow, he's a teacher at signal before he took me under his wing I was complete garbage but now I'm like" she then starts to do poses and make weird sounds.

???: "So I've noticed, and what is a girl like yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors ?"

Ruby: "I want to be a huntress"

What's that supposed to be

???: "You want to slay monsters ?"

Ruby: "Yes, I only have two more years of training left at signal then I'm going to apply at beacon" she then started to talk faster about other things which I ignored until the man spoke.

???: "Do you two know who I am ?"

Ruby/Me: "Yes you-/No"

Ruby: "Wait how do you not know who he is !?"

Me: "Well I'm not from around here"

Ruby: "Oh..." was all that she could say

Ozpin: "Well since you don't know who I am, I'm Ozpin the headmaster of beacon academy and you are ?"

Me: "Y/N"

Ozpin: "Pleasure to meet you Y/N, so Ruby you want to join my school ?"

Ruby: "More then anything"

Ozpin: "Well okay"

Ruby became extremely happy and started jumping up and down repeating thank you.

Ozpin: "You may leave now, Y/N I would still like to have a word with you"

Ruby then left the room overjoyed

Ozpin: "So.. Y/N I can see your not from anywhere around here are you ?"

Me: "No I am certainly not, as you can see with what I'm wearing"

Ozpin: "So I have an offer for you, would you like to join my school ?"

Me: "Why should I, I have plenty of knowledge on how to fight"

Ozpin: "Do you like to fight ?"

Me: "Yes, yes I most certainly do"

Ozpin: "Then you can spar with the students at my school and you will also get paid"

Me: "I will join on one condition"

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