Chapter 10

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It is the day I get to finally get the gauntlet from that statue, and I am excited !

I woke up earlier then usual and basically jumped out of bed shocking the whole team when they heard a loud thud.

Ruby: (sleepily) "Y/N wha.. what are you doing up this early in the morning"

Yang rubbed her eyes and groaned a bit before asking tiredly, "What time is it ?"

Weiss checks her scroll and says: "It's 5 in the morning," (to me) "what reason do you possibly have that makes you wake up at 5 ?"

Me: "Well I'm just excited to get the gauntlet from the statue that Ozpin showed me. And I know for a fact that it is a dangerous weapon that not many can use"

Blake: "But do you really have to wake up at 5 ?"

Me: "Yes I do, so I can do some warm ups first"

Weiss: "What type of warm ups are you talking about ?"

Me: "The type that involves killing grimm, a lot of them as a matter of fact. So all you three can go back to sleep if you want, but I'm gonna go out" I sat then I changed my clothes, took my weapons, and head out to the emerald forest

(Time Skip)

I head to Ozpin's office and ask him, "Hey Oz can you lend me the button for the cannon please ?"

Ozpin: "I don't mind but what are you going to use it for ?"

Me: "To launch myself into the Emerald Forest to do some 'warm ups'"

Ozpin: "Alright here you go but remember to get back here at 10 am"

I laugh and I answer "Alright alright, I'll be back before 10 dad" I say and I leave his office to leave him in his own thoughts

In Ozpin's head: He called me dad he grew a smile and thought again he called me dad

(Small Time Skip)

I'm now back at the cliff and when I press the button a cannon comes up again. I put myslef in the cannon and launch myself in a random direction and when I was close to the ground, at the last second I summoned the efreet to stop my fall and make a big crater in the process. I walk in one direction for a while and I stop, close my eyes, and concentrate on all my negative emotions so I act like a beacon to the grimm. After a few minutes I could already hear growling and the loud footsteps of the grimm. First I was surroundded by beowolves, a lot of them. So I let them come to me and when they were close enough I spun my blades around multiple times

(From 0:12 - 0:18)

With that one attack I have already killed at least 50 because my blades can theough them like a hot knife through butter. There were alot of ursai to kill next, so next I spun one of my blades then the other one then both of them and and did one final slam attack making an explosion which all together killed at least 60 ursai (From 47:00 - 01:01). Then a cyclops grimm appeared,

 Then a cyclops grimm appeared,

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