Chapter 1

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Narrator POV

Right now Y/N was on top of a building near a coastline with chaos happening around him, catapault balls on fire being flung into the air, and too many ships to count

Then one was heading straight towards him but fortunately for him it missed its mark and hit some rocks not so far away from the building he was on.

Soldiers started climbing up the ladders ready to fight Y/N but unfortunately for them, they were brutaly slaughtered one by one. He then fired a ballista bolt to one of the ships, it hit its target and one of the very many ships sunk.

One of the flaming catapult projectiles was sent flying to his direction but landed behind him creating a hole for him to go down into. He proceeds to kill off the remaining soldiers there and when he was opening the big door it broke open pushing him backwards into a wall.

A giant creature with one eye and grey skin appeared and started to roar, but then an even louder roar was heard and came an even bigger creature that ate the one-eyed creature whole.

It then puts its head in the opening to bite Y/N, but he blocked it using his shield and then started to attack it with his blades.

The creature was starting to bite fatser and also started to spit fire from its mouth which Y/N both dodged and blocked.

Y/N attacked the creature enough until it was stunned. He ran to its head and stabbed its eye and got on top of its head and stabed the other eye then he jumped off and slam his hands down still connected to the blades with the chains making the creature get stunned yet again. Y/N saw a convenient pillar next to its head and he lifted it up and smashed it againts the things head breaking the pillar, also making the creature retreat for the moment.

Y/N then ran outside to a sandy area and it was being bombarded with mini catapult projectiles which are even killing their own men. Y/N spoted a battering ram, so he ran upto it also while dodging the incoming projectiles. When he got to the ram he moved it along to the frotn of a gate and started using the ram to ram.

Once the gate was broken open he sliced and diced the soldiers near the now destroyed gate. He then proceeds to walk up some stairs and is encountered with half a dozen archers, seperated only by a little bit of water which he easily swims across.

When he gets to the other side he knocks the bow out of one of the soldiers hand then stabs his chest killing him and he throws that archer to one of the other archers there. He then starts to do this with the rest until there was no more.

He pulled lever slowly it opened the gate in front of him, he kept on pulling until the gate reached the top he dashed towards it since the lever was going back to its original position. He made it just in time and jumped of a ledge not so high up.

There were more unfortunate soldiers that met the same fate as their fallen brethren. Y/N then climbs up a ladder and kicks down a drawbridge, which lead to more not so innocent lives being lost at the hands of Y/N.

Y/N lifted up another gate and went inside before it closed back down. Inside the room he saw one of the persian generals with two women trapped in one room behind bars.


When I entered the room, what I saw angered me. There were two women trapped behind bars with nearely no clothes at all.

Me: "What evil have you brought on this city persian" I say in an angered tone

General: "Evil ? It's not evil I bring spartan, I bring the might of Persia, and the sacrament of purification."

General: "As we speak, my Basilisk (the creature that spits fire) cleanses this land, so that it may embrace the glory of the Persian Empire !"

Me: "Olympus has sent a message, and I'm here to deliver it."

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