Chapter 21

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(Well I was bored, so might as well continue this story. To those who were waiting here it is I guess)

It was time for you to switch turns with Yang since she's next, "I'm gonna go hunt some grimm it won't take that long" you say quietly enough so that only Yang hears she nods and replies, "Alright, I know you can handle yourself but still, be careful out there". You nod and wave before jumping down and sprint all the way to where you last saw the goliaths.

'This should be a good place' you think to yourself and you remembered that grimm are attracted to negative emotions and you've got a lot of that stored up so you let it all out and.. a little later you hear the herds of grimm running at you from a distance. You smirk and get your blades out ready to fight the giant amounts of grimm. "BRING IT ON!!" you shout and run at them.

You jump and your blades are covered in flames and it burst out into an explosion when you slam it into the ground which makes and opening for a grimm to spew a constant fire breath and you react quickly by opening your shield and charge at it and jump then stab up its skull from the inside killing it.

(It looks like that but it's only taller than you by a by 2 feet since you're not fighting an alpha and its spikes are shorter)

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(It looks like that but it's only taller than you by a by 2 feet since you're not fighting an alpha and its spikes are shorter)

Immediately after it turns to dust you switch to your gauntlets and slam the ground again electrocuting the nearby weaker grimm killing them too. An adolescent goliath charges at you and you roll to the side and as it stops and faces you again you already jumped put enough force in your double-handed smash to break off its tusk and you throw it to its skull and it pierces right through.

More grimm come rushing at you and you smirk, 'cannon fodder' you say in your head and switch to your blade of olympus and swing horizontally sending an arc of blue energy hurling towards the grimm easily demolishing them leaving a deathstalker at the back barely alive and you quickly dash at it and chop of its stinger letting it fall and kill it.

And that was the last of the grimm.. or so you thought as you are hit in the back by an ice ball, you look behind and nothing was there so you looked up and saw one last group of grimm to deal with.

 or so you thought as you are hit in the back by an ice ball, you look behind and nothing was there so you looked up and saw one last group of grimm to deal with

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Kratos Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now