Chapter 9

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It's Saturday today and me and the rest of team woke up at the same time which is suprising because usually I always wake up first.

Me: "Hey guys why are you awake earlier then usual ?"

Yang: "I just woke up because Blake woke up"

Blake: "And I'm awake because I need to use the bathroom, so Yang could you please let go ?" Yang let go of Blake and she went into the bathroom

Me: "What about you Weiss, Why are you awake ?"

Weiss: "Well since you're always awake early, and I think that it's going to be a good habit for me to pick up"

Me: "Alright and finally what about you Ruby ? Usually you would still be asleep even if I moved"

Ruby: "Well I don't really know why either I just woke up I guess"

Yang: "Speaking of which, Ruby you still haven't told me where you learned to curse yet" and Blake came out of the bathroom and sat next to Yang

Me: "Yeah actually I would like to know to, because I didn't curse even once when I'm around you"

Ruby: "Oh.. we're finally talking about this... well you see.. I was just watching some videos online and I found this one person who plays a game called 'Golf It' and him and his friends always curse which make the videos more entertaining. And another reason was because of a song, but more specifically this song.."

Me: "Oh it's that song, I like that song actually"

Yang: (to me) "Hey I thought you and I are the ones that have to disagree with her"

Me: (to Yang) "I never said I wanted to disagree with her, I just wanted to know how she knows curse words, so you're alone on this one"

Ruby: "Also this is the person I'm talking about"

Me: (Gasp) "You watch him too !?"

Ruby: "Yes I do, you too !?" She asks excitedley and I nod in response

Yang: (sigh)

Ruby: "So that means I can curse when I want to right ?"

Me: "Yes you can, just not in the clasroom"

Yang: "You know what, I don't care anymore you can curse all you want"

Ruby: "Alright ! I can fucking curse !"

Me: "Just don't do it too often, I'm still not used to you cursing yet"

Blake, Yang, Weiss: "Agreed"

Speaker: "Would Mr. L/N report to Ozpins office I repeat would Mr. L/N report to Ozpins office"

Ruby: "What did you do ?"

Me: "I don't know, my guess is as good as yours. Well better change my clothes and get going" I change my clothes and head up the elevator leading to Ozpins office.

When I arrived there was only Ozpin sitting there and I ask him, "Hey Oz what do ya need me for ?"

Ozpin: "Well Y/N there have been reports of a strange statue just outside the kingdom borders at a ruined temple holding a gauntlet and it is giving of wierd energy signals. Here is a photo"

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