Chapter 19

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The next day has arrived and as usual you wake up first. You slowly get out of bed not waking Ruby up and stretch a bit, you changed to your jogging clothes but surprisingly Ruby wakes up. "Ugh.. morning Y/N" she mumbles still sleepy.

You smile and kiss her, "morning Ruby, what are you doing up so early? You're the last person I expected to do so" you say but not too loud as to not wake the others up.

"Uh.. I don't know, I just woke up I guess. Anyways where were you gonna go before I woke up?" She asks. You reply, "Well I was about to go on my daily morning jogs, wanna come with?"

Ruby agrees and so you wait for a bit for her to get changed and you both head out for the 'little' jog. To you it was considered little but to Ruby though definitely not. After some more agonizing laps for Ruby, both of you finished and Ruby was exhausted.

"Why did *pant* we have to *pant* go that many laps?" She asked out of breath. "Well if your gonna use my weapons you're gonna have to be more fit then you are now" you say without any signs of fatigue.

Ruby complains that it isn't fair because you do this often but you told her to get used to it and it was going to be a lot harder once she starts using weighted clothing. "W-weighted clothing?" Ruby asked in disbelief, "Yup I'm using them right now, here try and hold it" you take of your shirt and give it to Ruby and she quickly fell to the ground trying to lift the clothes up. "H-how heavy is this ?" she says struggling to lift it still, "It's 150 kg, I was surprised that Ozpin managed to make this" you say while taking the clothes and putting them back on which allowed Ruby to stand again. "Wait Ozpin made those?" She asked, "Yup, but don't  worry we're gonna start easy and work our way up. Now come on we gotta shower so we won't be late." you say and you both head back to your dorm and the team asked what you and Ruby were doing.

They were surprised at the fact that Ruby woke up that early and that you were able to handle the weight of the clothes even though you are much much much stronger than that but they don't know and don't have to know that. Ruby ate more than usual because of the exercise and then the rest of the school day went by normally until its combat class now.

Ruby has been chosen to fight against Nora, they both get changed into their combat clothing and entered the arena. Nora got her hammer out and Ruby took out the claws, Nora was confused and so was team JNPR and a few other students. "Why are you using those things Ruby, did something happen to your scythe?" she asked, "Nope, nothing happened to it I just happen to like to use these more than the scythe" she replied. You cheered for Ruby and J_PR cheered for Nora.

Nora nods and they get prepared to fight, Glynda counted down and when she said go Nora was the first to charge Ruby preparing for a hammer strike. Ruby quickly dodges it and kicks Nora in the back which almost made her fall because of her own momentum, she quickly regains balance and wanted to charge again but Ruby was already in front of her and punched her in the face and she grabbed the back of her neck with the claws and slammed her head into the ground, taking away a good chunk of Nora's aura. Nora stood up still dazed and Ruby took this chance to throw Nora up in the air and then grab her then throw her to the ground which makes her go up again and Ruby slams her down again, this cycle continues until Nora's aura is almost in the red. Ruby threw Nora up much higher this time and Ruby follows using her semblance and wrapped her torso with the chains and goes for one final slam which breaks her aura.

"And Ruby is the winner" Glynda said, the room was filled with applause which made Ruby smile and she bowed. Nora's team took her to the infirmary to recover, and Ruby got changed and went back to the seats. "Great job Ruby" you said, "yeah you were awesome" Yang added, Blake and Weiss also gave her complements. "And thats all the time we have for today, class dismissed" Glynda said and everyone left, Ruby asked you to train her so she could get better and you of  course agreed. So after you had some food you went back to the arena and started training Ruby on how to improve herself and how to use the Claws' abilities. After 2 weeks she is now basically at your level at using the Claws and she can use the abilities fine.

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