Chapter 23

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(After the fight of team SSSN against NDGO)

"And with that, Team SSSN moves on to the doubles round! *To Oobleck* You know what I call that victory?" Port asked. "Shocking?" Oobleck responded which earned a snicker from Yang. "No, well earned. What you said is stupid." Port said.

"Aw, that was so close!" Ruby said leaning back in her seat. "Looks like the dorks made it to the next round!" Yang said and I saw that Sun and Neptune were dancing stupidly in the center of the arena. "Emphasis on 'dork' " Blake said sighing looking at them. Sun gave her a double gun fingers with a wink which made her blush and look away as Sun and Neptune left the arena.

"And that's the last match of the day! But stay seated as we have a special match planned, would Y/N please come down to the arena" Oobleck announced, and my team looked at me surprised and confused at the same time. "What does he mean by that Y/N" Ruby asked. "You'll see, just cheer for me ok?" I say. She nods and I jump down to the middle of my arena since I'm already wearing my armor.

"Everyone give a big round of applause for Y/N, he'll be giving us a spectacular battle!" Oobleck says through the speaker, and everyone was excited and cheered for me eager to see who I'm fighting. "Now! Please welcome team CAML!" He said and a team comes in through the entrance, there was a pink haired girl with an interesting looking lance, a guy with long black hair and he seems unarmed but I'm sure that will change, there was another girl and this one had green hair with also no weapon in sight and the last guy also had black hair and he has 2 big swords on his back.

(Got this from the RWBY fandom)

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(Got this from the RWBY fandom)

They walked to the center of the arena where I was waiting and the audience was still cheering, both for me and them. "So you're the guy we'll be fighting huh? The guy with the 2 swords said. "Yes I am, better not go easy on me just because it's a 1v4" I say. "Wouldn't dream of it" The guy said. "Well can I get your names before we fight, my names Y/N" I say. They told me their names one by one, the pink haired girl is Ciel, the long-haired dude is Alullaby, the green haired girl is Midori, and the last guy's name is Lars.

"Lets have a good match" Ciel said reaching out her hand, I nod and we shake hands before waiting for the arena to pick its environments. It picked desert and volcanic, the arena opened up revealing the desert part which was just some sand dunes and the other side has black molten rocks as its floor with some lava pools too.

"Now that the arena has been set up, team CAML and Y/N get ready!" Port announced which made the crowd cheer loudly. "3, 2, 1, GO!" Oobleck said and I immediately dash back taking out my blade[S] and was immediately rushed by Lars as we swung his 2 swords at me which I block using my blades making an X shape guard and I win that encounter and push him back before ramming him away with my shield.

He recovered quickly and I saw green glowing arrows flying at me which makes me jump to the side and before I reached the ground Ciel thrusted her lance at me and I blocked it with my shield but it still sent me flying back. I stop myself using the blades and from behind me I can hear footsteps and I quickly duck and did a kick without looking and I felt my kick connect which was followed by a groan of pain.

I turn around and it was Alullaby I punched his gut and picked him up because I heard more noise behind me and I saw that a red arc of energy followed with a white beam and more glowing arrows were flying at me, I quickly shield myself with Alullaby which brings his aura almost down to red and his teammates were shocked and angry that they hit their own teammate.

I lift Alullaby up and bring him down and I knee his back making him scream in pain and his aura was about to break so I threw him to the arena walls and that was enough to break his aura. "And 1 member is down already! *More quietly but can still be heard through the mic* that must've hurt" Oobleck announced as some staff take Alullaby away and I look at the remaining team member and they had angered looks on their faces with a hint of sadness for their fallen teammate.

I was the one to rush them this time and I made and explosion with my blades which sent sand in their eyes and that made for an easy combo. I punch Lars multiple times around his body before knocking him away but I catch him with my blades wrapped around him and I yank him back and I kicked his face and that coupled with the momentum was enough to almost break his aura and so I threw him at Midori who was about to shoot at me but Lar's body fell on her interrupting her attack.

Ciel already got her eyesight back but I was already in front of her and her eyes went wide as I punch her away and dash after her and caught her before spinning her around and throwing her away again. I dashed in front of her and opened my shield, she was too disoriented to react as her head hit my shield making a loud sound and her screaming in pain while holding her head.

I grabbed one of her legs and picked her up before smashing her into the ground again and again before throwing her at Midori again because I can hear the arrow coming at me. That arrow was enough to break Ciel's aura and she landed rolling on the sand unconscious.

The two remaining members left were enraged and they quickly talked to each other about a plan probably, I let them do it to make them think they have a chance at victory. They finished talking out their plan and Lars rushed my while sending more of those red arcs of energy at me. I blocked and slashed through them before engaging in another clash with Lars.

And like last time I won and pushed him back before quickly switching to my gauntlets and punching him away with electricity following him. At this time I saw that there was a rain of arrows falling down on me, I looked to Midori with a smirk and a shield over my head, "Really, that's the best you could think of?" I say.

She smirked herself as the arrows rained down on my shield and all around me, and as expected I was perfectly ok but next thing I know they exploded which sent my flying up in the air. Following me I could see more red arcs and arrows, 'Haven't used this in a while' I say before summoning my efreet and blocking all of them before falling down with increasing speed.

I landed with my efreet's fists crushing both of them breaking both of their auras and thus winning me the match. "And that's the match! Y/N wins!" Oobleck announces and the crowd cheers for me and I bow before leaving the arena letting the staff take care of the team.

"And that is truly all we have for today folks, you may leave the arena but please do it IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!" Oobleck said, and after the audience recovered from the sudden change of volume they all left the arena.

I waited for my team at the launch pads where the bullheads were, I waited and waited until they arrived and Ruby had a huge smile on her face and ran at me with her semblance and I caught her in a hug, "Your fight was amazing!" Ruby said. "I have to agree with Ruby, that fight was really something worth watching" Weiss said. "Yeah! You really kicked their buts there!" Yang said. "Good job" Was all that Blake said while giving me a thumbs up and a smile.

"Well, wanna get some food? I'm starving" I say and they all nod before we got on a bullhead.

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