Chapter ten :The video

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Kian's POV

"Hey what's up you guys it's kian and today I will be filming with my lovely lady corina and today we will be doing the boyfriend / girlfriend tag so we will ask each other questions that we should now about each other..." I looked at her smiling and she kissed me on the cheek .

"Yup and whoever seems like they got more pie on their faces since we will not know who got more questions right since kian is forgetful ..." She said giggling.

"ME!???!! Your the forgetful one and that is why she will have to jump in the pool once she loses " I said.

"Yeah right whatever lets get this started babe " she said

"Ok first question what is my favorite color?"
"Umm wait I know this" she said biting her lip wow she looks so sexy when she does that.

"Wait is it blue?" I looked at her for a while and picked up a pie and took off the plastic part

I pretended I was but didn't "nope you got it right" I said smiling.her face was priceless she was red and relieved.

Corina's POV

"Wait I was right?" I asked him relieved ."yeah " he said laughing

"Ok well Mr .Lawley you won't be laughing for long where was I born?" I asked I told him once let's see if he remembers.

"What that's not fair you never  told me your a cheater" he said with a pouty face "oh oh oh I really don't care " I said half singing "I told you kian oh come on babe really this is barely the first one "

"No wait you were born Galveston,TX right right ? "

"Yeah you got that right" I said kinda disappointed because I really wanted to shove the pie to his perfect little face .
"Ok when was I born ?"
"Ooh easy you were born in September 2,1995" i said pretty confident and we went on like that till we got to his question .

"What is my favorite movie ?" Ok I think I remember but I don't at the same time .

"God I don't know umm taken " I said "nope your wrong " he said laughing

"NO WAIT KIAN OK PLEASE DONT GET IT UP MY NOS..." Next thing you know he slams the pie into my face kinda strong .

"OMG BABE IM SORRY ...I DIDNT MEAN ...TO HIT YOU THAT HARD !!" He said laughing but also kinda worried .

"OWW KIAN YOU HURT MY NOSE !!" I said ."awww I'm sorry I didn't mean to" but I couldn't tell if he was joking or not because I had white frosting all over my face and kinda in my eye and I think i tasted strawberries . Yum!

"Really I'm sorry "

"It's fine I'll just put ice on it afterwards " trying to move on but then he kissed my nose and got frosting around his mouth and kinda on his nose awww he is so cute.

And we kept filming the video so eventually I lost but not because I don't know him it's because sometimes I can be forgetful but then I'll remember afterwards ,it's just that I don't work well under pressure.

"Ok so corina lost and I feel hurt that she doesn't know me as well I only got like 2 pies in my face and she got a lot "

"No babe I love you but you know I don't work well under pressure I promise i know everything about you . " I said kissing him on the lips .

"Anyway I'm not giving you any mercy now go jump in the pool" he said .

"Dang it who's stupid idea was to jump in the pool anyways ?

"Yours you moron" he said jokingly .

"Oh "I said laughing with kian. So I was getting ready to jump until kian out of nowhere pushed me in . "AHHH..." Was all I said but then it hit me you know once I hit the water. I should play a joke on kian pretending that I'm drowning ,yes that will be hilarious. So I stayed under water and waited for kian I could hold my breath for no more than 2 min. I had pretty good lungs if I do say so myself.

Kians POV

I pushed her in and waited for her to resurface but she didn't and I started to get worried until I just saw her body under water motionless . I freaked out I jumped in and grabbed her body out of the water and gave her mouth to mouth "come on please babe please I love you too much to lose you I love you please breath" until I put my lips against hers again and she kissed me back and I jumped up.

"What the ,babe oh my gosh are you ok?" I asked worried and she stood up and kissed me again. "Oh Kian I faked it that's what you get when you push me into the pool" She said I could tell she was starting  to feel guilty but i wasn't sure because she was laughing as well .

"Why would you do that you scared me half to death don't ever do that again , OK" I said worried and also mad ."im sorry kian I didn't mean to scare you like that" She said now looking sad .

"Oh come over here you will always be my girl just don't scare me like that ok ,I love you" I told her when I kissed her head.

"I love you too " she said kissing my jaw she is so adorable "wait is the camera still going ?" I asked . "Yeah " she said laughing and hugging me god I love her so much.

And I walked to the camera holding her hand " ok guys that's it for this weeks video if you enjoyed it please give it big thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe I'll see you next week " I said corina and I looked both sides and WHOOSHED the camera covering our hands with it.

"Ok so what do you want to do?"    "Eat and just hang out with the girls and guys " she said .

"Ok sounds like fun let me call them to tell them to meet us at Taco Bell ok"

"Alright " she said she kept grabbing my waist and wouldn't let go hmm I wonder what is up with her ,but I like it ,so I'll just ignore it.

We arrived at Taco Bell 30 min. Later with them already sitting down..

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