Chapter four: party

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( I'm so heart broken that o2l ended and listening to the song is just too hard but I love them and support them forever and always )

When I woke up I realized that I slept over his house but I didn't see Kian next to me
I got up and walked downstairs to see Kian eating cereal and jc on his phone .
I went up to them and said good morning Kian smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and went to stove and asked if they were still hungry for pancakes "I'm down for some pancakes " said jc "sure " said Kian

As I was flipping the pancakes I felt someone's arms around my waist and their head on my shoulder and turned around to see Kian and with his eyes closed humming (wow his voice is so amazing ) I smiled and continued making pancakes . When Kian spun me around and kissed me I blushed and asked what was that for " for being so caring ,nice, wonderful" "well your welcome " i said

I finished the pancakes and served them "wow these are amazing " said Kian putting a mouthful of pancakes in his mouth

He is so adorable I sat down and started eating then jc asked "hey so we were thinking of having a party tonight and we want you and your friends to come?"
"Sure " I said "but let me go back home and get changed ok"

"Sure" we continued eating when I was done I went up stairs and bumped into ricky .
"Oh hey good morning" "hey" was all he said before he went downstairs (aww poor thing he is still tired I guess he was editing a video all night ) I went to kian's room
And changed into my dress so I wouldn't have to take kian's clothes I grabbed my phone and heels and walked out of his room

I walked downstairs and Kian stared at me as if he never seen me before "uhmm is there something wrong ?" I asked.

"Oh no sorry you just look amazing in that dress" "thanks" I said.

"Can I get a ride ?" I asked "oh yeah I'm sorry " he got his keys and and rushed to open the door before I got a chance to "thanks " I managed to say

He opened the car door and closed it just like he did last night . (He is such a. Gentleman) when we arrived at the hotel kian said "call me when your ready okay"
"Okay babe!"

I ran into the hotel and into the elevator then to my apartment and opened their door .
Hey wake up wake up wake up its 12:30a.m !! Stop being lazy!!" Julia & Kenia woke up then immediately asked "how was it ?"
I laughed "guys it was amazing he asked me to be his girlfriend then we kissed and cuddled it was magical!"

"Oh and guys jc asked if we wanted to go to a party tonight " I said all excited and happy.

"Omg yasssss" Julia said "is there going to be a lot of youtubers there ?" Asked Kenia.
Uhmm yea duh hahahah "

"Well it's a good thing we bought some stuff yesterday " said Julia.
"Uhmm those are my clothes " I said "yeah but we can share " Kenia said
" Yeah because we will be here for a month we are gonna need all the money we can get"

(Party time )
After Kian brought us to the house there were already partying. I saw so many youtubers there I was fangirling in the inside but pretended like it was no big deal.

We went inside and Kenia pulled me to the living room to dance. Julia was already getting hit on by Shawn mendes who was dancing with her I smiled me and Kenia were talking about them when jc came out of no where and asked Kenia if she wanted to dance with him " um yeah " was all she said before she was pulled away from me

So I was all left alone looking for Kian I felt bad that we ditched him. Then someone came up to me and asked me if I wanted to dance I saw that it was Cameron Dallas "uh well I was looking for kian have you seen him?" I asked "no but don't you rather dance instead?"

I thought about it "sure" I said I was dancing but not on top of him of course far apart because wouldn't that be considered cheating I don't know but I was not taking the risk .

"Hey come a little closer" he said ." Nah I'm fine right here " I laughed but then I realized he was flirting with me what an idiot I am I thought.
He suddenly broke my thoughts when he grabbed my waist and tried kissing me .

"No stop " I said trying to get him off me " what don't you want to dance with me?" He asked confused "no not like that" I said .

Kian came and asked what was going on "hey you okay ?" "Yeah I am I was just telling Cameron how I was tired of dancing" I lied I felt so bad for lying but I didn't want a fight going on I should have told cam I had a boyfriend . " Yeah well I got to go " he said then disappeared into the crowd .

"What was that abo..." I kissed Kian before he could finish I didn't want to answer the question because then I would have felt bad telling him it would have killed me . But keeping it inside was worse but for now it's my secret.

We started making out in front of everyone but I didn't care It just felt right being with him. We broke the kiss he asked " hey you thirsty babe?" "Yeah I am can you go get us some punch please?" I asked

"Anything for my princess " he said and with that he left . I glanced over with Julia and saw her making out with Shawn (Wow not so innocent now ) . Then I saw Kenia and jc making out as well like dang so many make out sessions going on . It's a good thing Cameron was making out with a girl called Jackie well I'm glad he found someone else .

Kian came back and I drank my punch "thanks love" I said " hey let's go upstairs hopefully it's calmer up there sure I said.

Then someone yelled kian's name we turned around to see Andrea walking over to us.
"Hi Kian " she said and smiled at me " hi Andrea " was all he said .then she asked "do you want to dance?"

"No I'm with corina right now " he held my hand and kissed my cheek and suddenly saw Andrea's smiled fade " who is she?" She asked angrily well I'm guessing she don't remember me. Because then she looked at me with a disgusted face.

"She is my girlfriend " he said annoyed .Then kissed me Andrea pulled us apart and suddenly threw me on the ground I was shocked like what the heck just happened
Then the next thing you know she is on top of me punching me repeatedly .

"GET OFF HER!!!!!" I hear Kian scream when I had enough of her punching me like a dummy I grabbed her and pulled her of me then kicked her in the stomach then got on her punching her repeatedly till I hear her cry " STOP IT STOP IT IM SORRY I HIT YOU JUST STOP HURTING ME!!!"

I stopped and look up and everyone looked at me shocked at what I had done to Andrea .
I felt like a monster I started crying and ran out of the house . I heard Kian yelling " STOP BABE STOP RUNNING!!!" . But I couldn't stop I didn't want to I was embarrassed ashamed at what I had done.

" PLEASE STOP PLEASE" I hear Kian again not too far away and is stop running and fell on my knees crying uncontrollably . When Kian helped me stand up and hugged me "babe stop crying it's not your fault you just used self defense please beautiful stop crying"

I stopped crying after 5 minutes "I didn't mean hurt her that.... badly I feel so bad for ....making her cry ...I'm so embarrassed " I tried saying .

"No she started this you just took it a bit to far at the end okay babe I love you" he kissed me even though my whole face was wet with tears.

"I love you too" I said we walked back home everyone was gone except Andrea , Kenia , Julia, and the o2l guys . I ran up to Andrea and told her I was sorry for hurting her " no I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that to you " she said . Then she got up and said "its time for me to go back home sorry guys for ruining everything"

"No your fine" I said but Kian held my hand and didn't even want to look at her his body was tense and his jaw was clenched . I could tell he was furious she left then I kissed kian on the cheek " everything is ok babe" I whispered to him.

Jc then said lets all sleepover "YASSS!!!" We all screamed and laughed then he asked " what movie do you guys want to watch ?" Then Kenia said "lets watch pitch perfect"
We all agreed and sat down watching the movie at 2:30 a.m most of the guys fell asleep before the end Kenia was cuddled up with jc and Julia was asleep too so was Kian.

I sat up trying not to wake anybody up when Kian grabbed my hand and kissed me . I smiled and I got up to turn off the tv then sat back down with Kian and we kissed one last time then went to sleep.

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