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Hey guys! My name is Mia and this is my first DNF book. I've written for other fandoms before but this is my first one here.

Ok first things first-
THEY SAID ITS OK TO SHIP SO I AM GOING OFF OF THAT!!!! If they ever say they are uncomfortable I will delete this immediately.

All of my writing is Angst. It's basically all I know how to write. I will have fluff thrown in there too tho.

TRIGGER WARNING FOR THE WHOLE BOOK AND ALL MY BOOKS!!!!!!! Please please please don't read if you are easily triggered by depressing topics.

All of my writing really isn't based off of them. I don't think George is like "secretly actually feeling this way" no of course not that's crazy. Usually I just take my own feelings and use characters like George and Dream to portray it.

Now that that's out of the way-

I hope you guys enjoy my book (if anyone reads it LOL)

What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now