Way too important

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"Quackity you did WHAT?" Dream screamed for the first time over the phone.

George had fell down on the coach grabbing his chest. He was trying to steady his breathing but obviously not having any luck.

He signaled for Dream to keep talking pulling himself together the best he could. He needed to know exactly what quackity said.

Dream hesitated because he wanted to help George before it got too bad. but, he knew they had to know what happened so continued.

"I- they kept asking me questions and one donation asked if he had a panic attack and I just said yes without really thinking about it! And then- and then I started to babble about how having anxiety isn't a bad thing! I DIDNT KNOW THEY DIDNT KNOW! but then they were all shocked and I knew I fucked up!" Quackity sounded like he had just ran a marathon as he stumbled out his words.

"How did you even know?!?" Dream tried to calm himself, not wanting to stress out either of the boys further.

"Well- I kinda just put two and two together and, don't tell George, one time I overheard him doing some sort of breathing exercise when he thought he muted. I heard him say something about anxiety and just assumed that was what this was! Oh man I'm so sorry!" Quackity continued to ramble not knowing it was a bit too late for George not to know.

"Ok listen, just drink water and calm down. I'll- I'll try to get in contact with George. DONT say anything else to absolutely anyone. Bye" Dream quickly hung up on Quackity as George was rapidly getting worse.

George couldn't feel anything yet felt everything at the same time. How long ago had quackity found out? Why didn't he mute? What were the fans thinking? How much was that going to get clipped?

Questions ran through his head at a million miles a minute. He completely forgot that he had to try to control his attack and by the time he remembered, it was far too late.

His eyes unfocused causing him to fall down against the floor from the couch. Out of panic, he shuffled himself against the bare wall. He began to clutch his chest for dear life. 'Breathe just please breathe'

He could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly so he knew he was breathing but couldn't feel a single intake. He was suffocating and drowning at the same exact time.




He was sure that he was screaming but could barely hear himself. The walls were closing in and he tried to stop them. He banged his fists against his head but noting would stop the crushing feeling.

Though his mind raced, he couldn't find a single coherent thought to try and focus on. Anything to bring him back to reality.

That's when he heard a voice very distantly. He had almost missed it completely from the complete chaos going on in his head.

Through the clouds, walls, and the unmistakable sound of his own heavy breathing, he tried to hear anything that the voice said.

"GEORGE! Oh my god George it's me Dream. Please can you hear me? Please let me know if you can hear me!" Dream had been trying to call to him for the past five minutes. It was like the boy couldn't hear him at all.

George all of a sudden gasped even harder. He had forgotten Dream was here. He was in the room witnessing his melt down. This only made him start to wheeze louder. The echoing in his ears almost deafened him.

He was sure, more sure than ever, that he was going to die right then and there.

George started to shout. Not loudly but painfully. He was trying to grasp onto something, anything, for help. Any focus he had on Dream was gone as his heavy breathing made it that he couldn't think of a single thing.

What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now