All a headache

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(I ran out of lyrics from the song "this is what anxiety feels like" that I based this book off of so we starting with random titles LOL )

Dream was first to wake up. Well he didn't necessarily wake up. His phone started to buzz and he basically fell off the couch to turn it off before George woke up from it.

Sighing he looked at the caller id. It was Sapnap. He wanted to pick up and fill him in but he didn't even know that Dream was across the country yet.

He glanced back at George who was sleeping peacefully. Dream stared at his face for a while. It was so calm and relaxed he wished George could be like that more often.

His skin perfectly pale and soft. His hair rested softly slightly in his face. Without really thinking he went over and pushed it out of his eyes softly rested his hand in the side of his face. He really is beautiful.

He was taken out of his train of thought with his phone buzzing yet again. He sat on the floor across from the part of the couch George was sleeping on. Again he turned off the sound. He knew he would have to give everyone an explanation eventually but for now he wanted to see what George wanted to do.

Sighing he rubbed his eyes that were a bit sore from the emotional day they had before. When he looked back up, George laid in the same place but now his eyes were open and staring at Dream.

Dream was a bit taken back and honestly his heart skipped a few beats when he saw him looking at him. It only took him a second to turn his shock into a gentle smile.

George started to smile too as he looked at Dream sitting on the floor across from him. They sat quietly for a few minutes just taking in each other's presence.

Finally, George looked down at Dreams hands to find his phone and his smile faltered a bit knowing why he was up.

"Don't worry I didn't talk to anyone" Dream broke the silence knowing what he was thinking. The boy just nodded gratefully trying to sit up.

There was a pounding pain in his head that he didn't realize was there till he tried to get up. He was about to fall back down but Dream was immediately by his side.

"Does your heart hurt? Sit let me get you some medicine." Gently Dream guided George to sit back down and stumbled his way over to the kitchen.

George watched him with a small smile. He would have offered to get it himself but his head really didn't want him to get up.

This was normal though. After a day of intense emotions he would wake up feeling awful the next day.

This time he actually had someone by his side. It was strange yet made his heart jump for joy.

Dream made it back a few minutes later balancing a few things in his hand "it took me a few minutes to find the medicine but I got it. I also got you water and toast so the medicine doesn't hurt your stomach. I hope you don't mind me rummaging through your kitchen."

Dreams voice was quite so he didn't hurt the boys head even more. George's face turned a light shade of pink but his head still hurt too bad for real communication so he just nodded.

Dream took his place on the floor again while he  took the medicine. George have him a questioning look "I just- I don't know I like sitting on the floor sometimes. It's comfortable but not really. More like emotionally comfortable- wait that doesn't make any sense does it."

George let out a small laugh and Dream realized he had been rambling. He blushed a bit patting the back of his head.

They sat there in silence for the rest of the time. They both waited for the medicine to kick in and his headache to ease before they get into any conversations.

What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now