What is this feeling?

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There was a pause.

Reality set for George on all he admitted and all he said. He truly poured his heart out to Dream the first time he saw him in real life. He meant to explain some of it but not everything.

His breathing slowed down as he slumped his shoulders still staring at Dream. He was looking back at him with a look George couldn't exactly describe. It was a mix of shock but also something else.

"Oh my god..." George whisperer under his breath his eyes still wide. That seemed to snap Dream out of his trace as he got up to stand right in front of him.

Without much warning at all he threw his arms around George like before and buried him into his chest. He snuggled his head into his shoulder, one of his hands on the back of his head and the other on his back.

George stood still shocked while Dream hugged him. "I-I-I-" before George could even attempt to get a sentence out he was shhed by dream who just held him tighter.

They stood there for a few minutes in close to silence. The only sound was the slowing sobs that came from George and the occasional sniffle Dream would let out. Tears streamed down his face too but silently.

"George" Dream ran his hands through his hair carefully as he stayed buried in his chest. "I'm here I swear I'm here." He softly reassured.

"I'm sorry I-I'm so sorry I d-dragged you into this" George managed to get out though his staggered breaths. Dream just held onto him tighter.

"No. Never apologize for that." Dream whispered his head rested on top of George's. "I want to be here. I'm so happy to be here. Especially being able to hold onto you."

"Why dream why?" George's words come out as soft broken muffles and Dream just sighed as though that was the most bizarre question ever.

"Because I want to be here with you George. I want to be by your side. I want the good things and the bad things. Your anxiety isn't going to scare me away. It just makes me want to be by your side even more." Dream felt George pull away slightly and let him. He looked up at Dream searching through his eyes for some sign he was lying.

"I'm not kidding George. Im here. I wish I could fix everything. I wish I could take away all of your pain. I swear I would if I could. Sadly I can't and I know that. But I can he here with you through every up and down. We will work through them together. I'll try my best to make them as bearable as I can. You aren't alone anymore George and you never will be again." The sincerity in Dreams voice was impossible to miss.

Something inside of the shorter boy changed as he processed all that Dream said. It was like something was mended. Not perfect but enough. Something he didn't even know that he needed.

He felt seen. Like someone in his life actually cared for the parts of him that weren't perfect.

He stared at Dream for a while. Dream knew he was looking for some unsureness. He was looking for some doubt that Dream had but he found none. Dream just looked back at him with a small fond smile and a tear stained face.

"Dream" George whispered without breaking eye contact. Dreams arms were still around his waist while his were holding onto dreams neck.

"Yes?" Dream looked at George so fondly that it made his heart ache a bit. The fact set again that he was actually with George and he couldn't help but smile as he studied his face up close.

"I'm sorry for this" George stared into Dreams eyes as his expression all of a sudden changed. Dream became quickly concerned.

"George I already said don't apol-" Before he could finish his sentence, George pulled his neck down and connected their lips together.

What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now