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Happy New Year! Surprise! I actually finished this book in one go as I was thrown back into this fandom. My semester ended and I finally have free time. So I finished the book and am gonna upload all the chapters in the next day or so. That is, if anyone will even read this anymore. Anyway, thanks for all the support! 💕


Sun peaking through the window was what woke Dream up. He shifted a bit before he realizing that George was intertwined next him.

He paused, looking at the sleeping boy next to him. Not to be cliché but he looked so peaceful. Like nothing could ever disturb him and never has. That was very untrue sadly.

That reminded Dream that he had some work to do. Carefully, he slipped away from George. He stirred but didn't wake up. He was glad. He knew how much George needed his sleep after the day before.

Dream walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. He sat on the stool and just stared at his phone. What can he even do to ease the issue?

He opened his laptop next to him and went straight to Twitter. Better access what they thought first and there was no better place than Twitter. Maybe he can turn it all into a misunderstanding?

He looked around. He needed something to write on. He got up looking through the house. Dream ended up finding a whiteboard and markers hidden in the closet.

Quickly, he began to write down the most important aspects of what people were saying. He pinpointed where they could lie and where they can twist words.

He set up his phone against a bottle of water that he had found. Going to YouTube, he pulled up every single time George had slipped up on live stream. He hated to watch them though. It pained him to see all the times he had struggled and he didn't realized. It was so obvious once you knew the truth.

Trying to ignore the pit in his stomach, he added them to the whiteboard. He twisted all the situations best he could.

Now for quackity. That was the main problem. He watched the clip of that too. Everything ends up being clipped.

That was a bigger problem. If they would lie, quackity would seem like the bad guy. However, he did get himself in that situation.

Sighing, he wrote quackity on the board with a question mark next to it. He would need to speak to quackity about that but didn't want to without George. This was his problem after all and he didn't want to make it worse.

The whiteboard was mostly full by the time George walked down the stairs. Dream was so invested in his work that he didn't even realize the boy was behind him.

"What are you doing?" George asked quietly. His voice took Dream out of his trance so much so that he practically fell of the chair. "Are you ok?!"

"Oh my god you scared me. Yeah yeah I'm good" Dream got off the floor and picked up the chair. He recollected himself before turning to show George the white board.

George could tell he was in a bit of a frantic mood. He looked like he has been working for hours even. Which, he had been.

"Ok so. I went through everything I could find. All the hashtags and moments. I documented what everyone guessed since the beginning on here. I tried my best to twist every word the best I could. I think If we go though with this, we should be able to get you out of this. All we have to do is , oh good morning by the way, all we have to do is call quackity and ask him if it's ok that we make it that he lied. I didn't want to call without you though. So yeah you can read through this and see what you think" Dream breathed out heavily. He had spoken pretty fast. His mind was running a million miles a minute.

He got like this when he worked hard on something. His mind always moved faster than the rest of him. It was more than likely due to his adhd.

"Dream when did you do all this?" George finally said after he registered everything the other boy had said. It was a lot of work. The board was filled with writing and lines. It was all methodically thought out.

"Oh uh well I woke up at like 8 so not that long ago" Dream said stumbling over to the other side of the counter "and I made you tea!"

George looked down at the cup of warm tea and the then back at the bright eyed boy in front of him. Then he remembered, "Dream it's 12pm now. You've worked on this for 4 hours?"

"It's not-" he turned and looked at the clock. It was in fact 12:06. "Oh... I guess I didn't realize."

George continued to look over Dreams messy hand writing. It was all very well thought out. Every detail was basically covered. This was definitely something to wake up to.

Honestly, it scared George when he woke up and Dream wasn't there. He thought, what if he finally needed a beak? It was actually the exact opposite. He cared so much.

"George... are you crying? Is something wrong!" Dream was taken back by the few silent tears that fell down his face.

George hadn't even realized he beg to cry till he felt his face. He didn't look up at Dream though. Just continued to stare at the board.

He felt Dream's hand softly rest on his shoulder and he broke. He turned to hug Dream who was now standing in front of him. He hung on as tightly as he could. Quickly, Dream returned his hug just as passionately.

In that moment, George had never felt so loved. It may seem like something minuscule but it meant everything. He cares so much that he worked this hard to fix a problem that wasn't even his. No one had ever cared for George that much.

All the years of dealing with everything himself all of a sudden felt far away.

Dream didn't ask any questions and just hugged back. He knew he would talk when he wanted to. So he just stood there and embraced the boy.

Maybe for once, George thought, maybe for once he wasn't alone.

"Are you ok?" Dream asked as softly as he could. He hoped that he didn't over step too much with the information. He was just trying to help.

"I'm- yeah. Yeah I'm ok" George slowly pulled away and whipped away his tears laughing a bit. Dream just smiled softly.

"So... call quackity?" Dream grabbed his phone and offered it to him. George just shook his head.

"Actually... I was wondering if we could tell the truth". Dream almost dropped his phone on shock.

"You mean- like actually? You'll tell the truth?" To say Dream was shocked would be an understatement.

"I'm sorry you did all that work. You worked so hard on it but with you here and with how much you make me feel... just not alone... I think I can tell them" George hesitantly looked up at the taller boy.

Dream had a huge smile covering his face. He practically threw himself at the boy taking him into another, more excited, hug.

"Yes yes oh my god yes. Don't even worry about the work. We can use it to know what to cover. I have all the things said and stuff people thought. We can go off that. George this is amazing" the happiness streamed from Dream's voice. He was just so happy that George believed that he was safe with him.

They slowly pulled away and smiled at each other. "I just... I don't think I should hide it anymore. It makes everything so much worse."

Dream nodded at that. He knew how much stress hiding it was causing him. It was like a giant weight on his shoulder and he definitely didn't need that. Not over all the stress he already has.

"So do you have a time you want to do this or.." Dream didn't want to push him if it was too soon.

George nodded his head "now. I need to do it now. If I don't I'll back out"

Dream immediately nodded back "yeah ok. I'll set up the stream"

"Well... Let's do this"

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What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now