Bright future

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They were silent for a moment unsure how to respond. Dream ran his free hand through his hair. He knew it was fucked that he didn't answer him. He was just so busy it didn't even cross his mind.

"Sapnap I'm sorry. I was just so caught up with everything I couldn't respond. You know how impulsive I am" dream tried to ration to the hot headed boy.

"Dream. Shut up" Sapnap calmly said dismissing the boy. Dream just silently nodded.  "is George there?" the boy on the phone asked.

George finally worked up the courage to speak, "yeah... hey Sapnap". He cringed at how nervous his voice sounded. This was just the first person he's spoken to in so long besides dream and the stream.

"George good. Hi. I love you man." Sapnaps words were simple enough but held so much meaning to George.

He just smiled softly responding, "I love you too". Dream smiled at their interactions. He missed all three of them together.

"I was so scared when you disappeared for so long. I felt like all the other fans watching that stream as clueless as them. It was so strange." Both boys couldn't imagine how that must have felt. Watching a stream to find out where your best friends have been.

"I'm sorry" George softly whispered. He didn't mean to cause the boy so much stress.

"No no don't apologize. I can't imagine how hard what you are going through is. I really had no idea. Just know I'm always here for you too.  Also, dream stop shitting yourself I'm not mad at you" Sapnap let out a laugh and dream couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Sapnap continued, "I wish I would have known but I see why you did it Dream and I'm really glad you did. Trust me I've seen the clips of you holding his hands enough on Twitter."

Both of the boys blushed furiously. They completely forgot that no one knew that they had a thing.

"Thanks man. I really missed you." Dream smiled thinking about his best friend.  

"Yeah yeah I missed you too. By the way I had to stop your mom from having a heart attack all week so you owe me." Sapnap huffed.

All three boys laughed, "I knowwww I can't believe she didn't sent a search team on me" dream sighed.

"Oh she was going to. I had to beg her not to. You are lucky I'm hella convincing" Sapnap laughed again thinking about the past week.

In a way, he did his part too. He helped George without even realizing it.

"Thanks a bunch sap." George said more sincerely.

Both boys could tell Sapnap was smiling as he just sighed contently, "well I have to go. Don't want to interrupt your making out time. Call me later. Byeeee!"

He quickly hung up before either of the boys could defend themselves. Oh well.

They turned to each other and also let out a sigh they felt like they had been holding all week now. It was all taken care of. The stress was finally gone.

Dream just wordlessly took him into a hug. They rocked back and forth for a bit. Just finally content.

They were together and happy. Something George never thought could have happened before.

He knew the anxiety wouldn't go away. He knew he had plenty of attacks to come. He truly knows he would be dealing with this for the rest of his life.

But in Dreams arms, he couldn't help but think maybe it would be ok. He would get back on medicine. He had people who actually cared.

It wasn't just Dream. All his friends had shown more support than he could have ever imagined.

He never wanted to shut them out again. Especially not the boy in his arms. Frankly, he doesn't think he'll ever be able to be without him again.

"I want to go to Florida with you" George mumbled into Dream's chest. The taller boy slowly pulled away a bit to see the other.

"Are you sure? I could stay here if you want" dream would be sad leaving what he had in Florida but he really didn't mind it here either. He supposed it was wherever George was that made him happy.

"I am sure. You have a family, a house and patches of course. I don't have anything keeping me here. I want to go. If you want of course" George smiled as convincingly as he could. He really did want to go with him.

Dream smiled wildly at him taking him into a tighter hug. "I would love that George. We can have a big Christmas party! To make up for all the past holidays. And we can meet Sapnap at some point! He can maybe even live with us!!! My house is really big and-"

George laughed and shook his head "I have to get my visa approved first dream"

Dram shyly rolled his eyes, "yeah, yeah I know. But we can still do all those things!"

"Of course I wouldn't want anything else" they smiled at each other again.

Dream leaned down first as George met him half way for a kiss. It was slow and happy. They could both get used to this.

"I'm kissing Georgenotfound. Haha internet I got him" dream whispered as they pulled away. George couldn't help but let out a snort.

"Oh yeah and I'm looking at the person that millions of people fantasize over what they look like" George rolled his eyes laughing a bit.

"Yeah yeah I'll face reveal at some point. I'm going to need to take you to Disney and maybe even the beach! Though, I haven't been there for a while" dream rambled on again thinking of everywhere he would bring the boy.

"Let's work on this visa first" George laughed at how excited he was. True happiness really was a liberating feeling.

"Well then what are we waiting for! Let's go get this visa!" Dream grabbed his hand. He dragged him to the computer.

"You know this takes like months right!" George laughed as dream started to look for information on it. He would stay in England till he got approved.

He pulled up different forms and applications quickly clicking through them.

"I mean we could just get married and speed up the process" dream raised his eyebrows at him playfully and George just smacked his arm.

"Oh just move over!"

The end 🖤

I finally finished the book! I am so happy I did. I actually really liked the way this whole story turned out. What can I say- I'm a sucker for happy endings.

If you guys liked this book or my writing please follow me!

UPDATE- just released a new book that I think you guys will love!!!

It's called "the boy who never cries" and it's Dream angst (are we surprised no) where George finally moves in and overhears Dream crying every night and has no clue how to deal with it.

Filled with themes like found family and overall my favorite thing I've ever written so check it out if you want!!

Thank you guys for all your kind words and votes. I love hearing from you guys. 

See you all soon! :) 💕


What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now