Bones shake

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"YOU IDIOT!" Dream screamed as both him and George fell into a pit of lava, not having anything to save them.

"I DIDN'T KNOW THE BLOCKS WOULD BREAK THAT EASILY!" George screamed back after the death screen appears on both of their screens. Though they were screaming, they both were doubled over laughing at the whole thing.

"we have been playing this game for years how don't you know!" Dreams laugh was turning into a wheeze even though he was upset they had lost all of their stuff.

"yeah well some people aren't perfect Dream".

The stream's chat was going crazy as usual. They weren't doing anything special. They were just playing minecraft and talking. It was actually calmer than most days.

That's why George was so confused over his trembling hand.

At first he ignored it. He hoped that it would stop soon and he could continue. Usually after a few minutes it would stop on its own so he just pushed through. But this time felt different.

"George lets go to that village over there I need food or something" Dream was playing happily but could tell something was off with George. His responses were slower and so were his movements. "common you slow poke!"

George let out a slow laugh. He tried to focus on the game but felt his focus shifting to his now both trembling hands.

They weren't stopping and that was only making his panic worse.

"Ok I am too tired for this i'm ending the stream" it wasn't completely unusual for him to leave the stream because he was tried so this wouldn't raise suspicion.

The George watched as dreams character stoped and then came running back to him.

"Whattttttt you cant!"

"why not?"

"ill be bored"

"well ill be tired"

"but your stream will be mad you cant make them mad"

"am I supposed to never end my stream!?"



"ok ok but I will miss you" Dream finally gave in laughing at the whole argument.

"well you will have to deal with it." George turned his attention towards the stream saying his goodbyes and thanking them for watching.

Dream just listened to him while jumping around randomly in the game. He didn't want George to log off just yet but he knew just how sleepy he always is.

"ok I am going to go now Dream" George brought dreams attention back to him after he had zoned out. However, something immeditly caught Dreams attention. Very slightly, George's voice shook.

"you ok George? You sound weird" there was a moment of silence before he heard George yawn on the other side of the screen.

"No I am tired remember?"

"hmm ok fine go to bed"

"thats exacly what I am going to do"

"Well good night then?"

"yeah yeah Ill talk to you later"

"kay bye!"

They both hung up at the same time. Dream set down his headset and plopped on his bed. He could use some sleep as well.

George on the other hand- his night was just starting.

First chapter wooo- hang in there I swear this gets good. I'm actually super proud of this book so please read it LOL

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