When nobody's looking

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Time had passed quickly for Dream. They sat comfortably on the couch. At some point George ended up cuddled into his side and Dream played with his hair. It was definitely strange how quickly they warmed up to each other but Dream didn't mind one bit.

George, on the other hand, has been counting down the seconds. It was nice to be so close to Dream but it didn't stop him from letting his mind run rapid.

Occasionally, George would start to shake without realizing and Dream would never say anything. He would only reach over and steady his bouncing leg or hands. It's not like Dream sat perfectly still either. His ADHD wouldn't allow that.

Eventually hours had passed. Neither of them spoke much or looked at their phone. They wanted to ignore the world as much as they could even thought they knew they had to address the problem soon.

A notification popped up on both of their phones. Not an unusual one. 'Quackity is live!"

Their friends has been streaming less than usual simply to avoid questioning. They knew that the second they get on they will get the 'where is George!' Comments.

They ignored the notification not in the mood to watch it. Instead they put in the Percy Jackson movie. Dream insisted on telling George all the parts that were wrong according to the book and historically.

Eventually both of them got a bit restless. It was around 6 pm meaning they had been watching movies for far too long.

"Common get up you have to stretch" Dream pulled George off the couch and he reluctantly got up.

He tried to sink back down but Dream just pulled him back up "Dream I'm tired"

"Oh common. We have been on this couch literally all day long. Let's go on a walk. Any parks around here?" Dream stretched his back and neck in ridiculous ways that made George smile. He knew he couldn't say no to him.

"Fine I'll go get my shoes." Before George could get far he spotted dreams bags and frowned " I'm sorry I don't have a guest room. It's only been me for a while you know."

Dream looked over at his bags and just smiled "George I really don't care I'll just leave my stuff here" he said pointing towards the living room floor.

"No no bring your stuff to my room at least. I have enough room in there" George went over to drag the bags but they were much heavier then they looked. Then again he may just be a lot weaker than he knew.

"I got it. Ok thanks that would be great" Dream lifted up his bags and followed behind George up the stairs to his room.

The rest of his house was just like downstairs. Plain and clean. Only clean because of how empty it was. Dram couldn't help but want to decorate it.

His room was no better. There was his bed that had black sheets and his desk with his computer. A dresser in the corner and a walk in closet that was neatly closed.

His bed was not fixed which he rushed to do as soon as they entered.

"George. Don't worry about it. Grab your shoes let's go" setting his stuff down quickly Dream grabbed a sweater and waiting for George to get his stuff.

"This is stupid you know. We should just sit here. Unpack and stuff" George mumbled slipping his shoes on.

"Yeah yeah. I'm literally across the world right now I want to go out. Plus we need some fresh air." Dream reached his hand out to George who just slumped on the bed.

"Fine" he grabbed his hand and was reluctantly pulled up. Dream entwined their fingers and pulled him out the room door all the way out the front door.

What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now