Right Now

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They sat there for a little while longer ignoring the internet. They would have to face it soon but at the moment they were content where they were.

"Common why are you still on this!" Dream laughed covering his face in embarrassment.

"Because I have never even heard of 'am I gay quizzes'!" George laughed back. It was cute to see him so embarrassed. "No actually I think the worst part was how you told Sapnap"

"Nooooo stoppppppp. You'll never let me live this down will you?" Dream uncovered his face to reveal how red he was. George couldn't help but laugh more.

"Not till you tell me something more embarrassing" George poked his side causing him to wiggle away.

"Jeez you should hear how bad found out then" the moment Dream said that he covered his mouth immediately.

"Oh no now you must tell me!" George tackled him as he tried to wiggle away.

"Fine fine! Only if you will not bring this up anymore or laugh! You can't laugh!" dream tried to make him promise. George nodded but they both knew he was lying.

"Well... I was listening to 'I kissed a boy'- you know the male version of 'I kissed a girl' and I kinda accidentally was still in call with bad... didn't realize" dream looked over at him expectantly.

George sat still trying his absolute hardest not to burst into laughter. His face was physically turning red.

"You can laugh." Dream added defeatedly.

The second he said that, George let out the loudest laugh he has in a while. He honestly couldn't even breath.

"You- you. Oh my god. Were you singing? Please tell me you were singing" George tried to stop his laughter filled tears but they just kept falling.

Dream let out a little 'heh' before nodding his head. This only further sent George into his fit of laughter. Dream couldn't help but laugh along with him. His signature wheeze making an appearance.

"Oh common! I was like 12? I was singing a song that I enjoyed! I don't like being judged like this!" Dream crossed his arms and turned away from George. It was very obvious he was bluffing as his laughs continued to escape his lips.

"Ok ok I'm sorry. Im done I swear im done" George reached his hand out to turn Dream back around. They both bursted into laugher again when they saw each other's teary eyed faces.

Eventually they both settled back on the couch with a loud sigh. They were both glad the day turned out to be better than expected.

However, they still did have quite a bit of people to face. As they sat, George's mind ran wild with what they were saying. He couldn't wait any longer.

"Ok let's go see what they are saying it's been like an hour and a half now." George got up and pulled dream with him. He quickly listened and got up with him.

They walked towards George's room and quickly the anxiety built back up. He forgot how horrible this truly was. Everyone knew and he told them himself. Fuck.

When they entered the room George was visibly shaking again.

"Heyyyyy. No matter what they are saying it doesn't matter ok?" Dream tried to reassure the boy but he just nodded nervously.

He picked up his phone that was thrown across the room and saw thousands of messages.

There were personal messages from just about everyone he's ever spoken to. He would read through those later.

What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now