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To say he was nervous would be an understatement. However, it wasn't all bad necessarily. There was a buz of almost anticipation energy going around.

They discussed their plan over a quick breakfast. They talked fast and ready. Dream read through the board to George. There were a lot of sore subjected but he understood.

Nerves played on the edge of George's hands the whole time. He felt how close he was to panicking and forgetting the whole thing.

He felt the way his hands shook like they usually do before an attack. His breathing was slightly off and he felt a slight heaviness in his chest. All signs to run away.

Yet, every time he looked at Dream he felt a surge of confidence. It almost radiated off of dream. Like nothing bad in the word could touch him. A sense of security he had that made George feel safe.

That's how they ended up sitting in front of George's pc ready to start the stream. Only then did George think of the obvious.

"Wait a second. People don't even know we are together! And they never have seen your face!" George almost faced palmed himself. How could they have overlooked such an obvious detail.

Dream looked confused at first before he realized. He let out a little oh and sat on the chair next to George.

"Well.. I don't know. I would face reveal right now, I don't mind, but I don't want it to take away from your message you know. People would be all freaked out over that. It would defeat the purpose." He had no doubt he would face reveal that second if it would help but he knew it wouldn't.

"Yeah I don't- wait you would face reveal right now??" He knew how much a face reveal weighed on his shoulders. Honestly, after all he's shown, it should be obvious that Dream would do it. But it still took him by surprise.

"Of course. The only reason I didn't is because I hadn't met you in real life yet. Now I have. Nothing is holding me back anymore." Dream smiled softly at the boy next to him. He's really all that mattered to him.

"I remember when you first said that. The fans went wild shipping us" George fondly remember the late night stream where Dream has sleepily confessed why he hadn't yet.

"Well they weren't necessarily wrong. Anyway anyway, it's up to you. I just don't want to take away or bring any unnecessary extra attention to it if you don't want to." Dream tried to be as open as he could. Let George do the deciding this time.

The brunette thought for a bit. Face revealing would cause a huge surge in attendance in his stream. People that didn't even watch them would tune in to see the Dream's face.

Despite the severity of the situation George couldn't help but grin a bit looking looking at Dream's face. He was nothing short of good looking.

He had bags under his eyes sure. Yet the way he looked at you could melt you in a minute. People always told George he had puppy eyes but they were nothing compared to his. Right bellow his eyes were maybe George's favorite part. His tan Florida skin is sprinkled with freckles that he couldn't describe as anything less than cute. His lips, well George couldn't look too intensely at them without causing Dream to pick up on his thoughts. But they were slightly chapped and a pretty dark shade of pink. Not to mention his overall build. He stands strong and bold. People have seen his structure before through pictures like the ones when he's in the suit. That alone sent people in a 'dreams hot' frenzy. He almost chuckled at himself. Just wait till they see him all together, he thought.

Overall, the fans would lose it for him and it would definitely bring a lot of people into the fandom purely based on how he looks. And as endearing as that is, it's not what they needed now.

"Ok yeah maybe you are right" George finally broke the silence after his thoughts may have run a bit too far. "Maybe you can sit like right behind the camera. You being here won't cause as much commotion as a face reveal at least. People will be more concerned over... you know what happened"

Dream nodded right away moving his chair just out of view of the camera but in a place where he could reach and grab George's hands if needed.

George pulled out his phone and without any hesitation sent the tweet they had drafted during breakfast with a few tweaks mentioning they were together. He through his phone across the room immediately as he sent it.

It read- 'hello everyone, I know it has been a while and a lot of you have been concerned. Thank you all for caring and sending support. I am lucky to be surrounded by so many people who are there for me. Dream has been with me the past couple days and I have decided that with his support, I want to tell you guys what happened truthfully. Streaming in 10 minutes.'

Dream watched George throw the phone in panic and laughed lightly. He walked over to him and took him into a hug.

"It'll be ok. I'm sure that everyone is sending you support right now. You got this." Dream swayed them back and forth a bit in the hug hoping to shake some jitters out. "Remember you can say as little or as much as you want to. There is no pressure in giving too much of an explanation"

George nodded into the hug and slowly pulled away. He had to set up the stream to be ready in the promised time.

They took their spots, George in front of the Pc and Dream just slightly behind it, and got ready to start. The white board was propped up besides the computer with all of the important points circled.

With dream reaching out to squeeze his hand, he was as ready as he could be. Which, was not very.

With a lot of hesitation pressed go live.

Vote and comment please :) 💕

What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now