The Stream

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There was no going back now. His hands trembled at a concerning rate but dream squeezed them in hopes of giving him some reassurance.

Honestly, George wasn't sure how much it was working. He had forgotten who he was when he decided to do this. He was Georgenotfound. He never expressed his feelings. Hell he didn't even know how to.

He stared at the starting soon screen that he put up. He waiting for people to come in before starting and having a bunch of people confused.

Numbers flew up by the thousands. Starting with only 5 thousand, the number was up to 160 thousand in only about 5 minutes. People were curious to say the least.

Dream saw the way George watched the viewer count in shock "hey you might break the most viewed stream at this rate"

George gave dream a flat look but they couldn't help but laugh a bit. As the camera was still off and muted, Dream took this opportunity to scoot closer to him for a second and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

"Don't worry too much Georgie. People are just curious and I'm sure worried. They are here to support you not judge you. Don't stress about how many people are here and say what you need to say as If it was only us. Talk to me if you need to." Dreams words were comforting. It calmed the anxiety that was building even just a bit. He smiled and nodded looking back at the screen.

300 thousand people. George couldn't remember the last time that many people had watched his stream.  The week gone must have worked up quite the commotion.

With one last look at Dream, George sighed deeply turning on his camera and microphone. He gave the chat a second to freak out before saying anything.

The concern flooded the chat like never before. Messages of support, questioning, worry, and even some cries of missing him came through. He smiled softly before taking a deep breath to start talking.

"Hellooooo. I know you guys are all wondering where I've been and I-I'm sorry for disappearing for so long. I just needed to think some things trough" George took another deep breathing glancing at dream. He was staring at him with the most pride, admiration, and support he had ever seen.

He felt the panic building in his chest as he looked for something to say. Everything they had spoken about before left his mind.

"Honestly I wasn't going to do this at all. I was going to come up with some lie and move on with it all. But , I know what quackity told you and I know there is no excuse I can give that would cover that up" George looked at the chat and quickly had to reword "no I am not mad at quackity. He made a mistake and I don't blame him at all. If anything, I'm glad he did it so I can talk honestly with you guys."

The chat calmed again and George nervously glanced at dream. He took that as a sign and reached over carefully without getting in camera view and squeezed his trembling hands reassuringly.

Chat went wild at the sight of the hands coming from the side of the screen. George couldn't help but softly laughs a bit.

"Yes chat dream is here and has been for a bit. That was my second point I wanted to bring up." He smiled at dream who was a bit confused and turned back to look at the camera.

"I am never good with my emotions and never have been. Even doing this makes me want to crawl out of my skin. But, in the past few days that dream has been here, he's helped me more than I can ever describe the severity of. He's the entire reason I am able to ever talk to you guys again. So no, I'm not mad at him and never was. I want that whole myth that I was mad at him to be gone. He never did anything to upset me and honestly without him I would be a complete wreck right now." He let the chat freak out over that for a few seconds. He felt his face grow hot with his confession.

What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now