Need a Friend

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George woke up from the light shinning directly on his face through his window. Once he opened his eyes he felt the hard floor underneath him and was extremely confused before it hit him.

He had a panic attack.

He stayed on the floor for a while. He just blankly stared at the ceiling. His body was too weak and tried to really muster any more movement or thought.

He stayed like that for a while til his phone began to ring. He turned his head and saw that his phone was also on the floor next to him. slowly all the memories of the night before came back to him and through the blur, he remembered how he was able to calm down.

Dream's voice message.

Reaching for his phone he saw it was dream calling him. He thought about if he should pick up for a few seconds. He didn't really want to talk to anyone but at the same time he wanted to talk to Dream. Or at least hear his voice. So, he impulsively picked up.

"GEORGE! finally you have been asleep for like ever! wait did I wake you up? I thought you would be up by now its like 2 in the afternoon over there" George stayed silent listening to Dreams voice.

He did not realize he had passed out for that long but he didn't really care. He was just so thankful for Dream even if he couldn't express it.

"uh George? are you alright?" Dream was growing more concerned at the silence over the phone but soon he heard a sigh from the other side of the line.

"Hi Dream yes I just woke up" George surprised himself at how horse his voice was. It cracked in many places and it just sounded overall weak.

"wow your morning voice is worse than usual! Common Gogy get up!" George smiled at Dreams energy and encouragement. If only he had known that George was struggling to get off the floor not his bed.

Sighing but with a soft smile on his face, George put all his energy into getting up. When he did, his vision became black for a few seconds and he fumbled backwards, his body sore in all places.

"woah there be careful" Dream said over the phone. He was listening inventively to Georges motions.

"ok ok I am up happy?" he placed the phone on speaker on his bed. His whole body protested standing up but he slowly stretchered his arms and legs letting out loud cracks. His back definitely hated him for passing out on the floor.

He honestly would have stayed there for god knows how long if it wasn't for Dream on the other side of the right now now.

"yes I am happy. I am very bored. Actually did you get my message last night? I am guessing not since you just got up" George was unnaturally focusing on Dreams words. After last night, he wanted to express just how grateful he was to have Dream but he didn't know how without telling him what had happened.

"actually I did but I forgot every word you said. Can you explain again please?" George's voice was unnaturally soft towards Dream. Usually, he would usually yell at him for sending it and say he wasn't going to listen to it. Now, his voice was kind and gentle as he asked him to repeat it.

It was true. He listened to it but forget everything that was said since he was calming down from his panic attack.

"hmm ok well-" Dream went through his idea again. This time going into more detail. George just listened to him quietly adding something every now and then.

He was able to get himself moving and into his kitchen while they were on the phone. His chest felt extremely heavy and his whole body sore but he was moving at least.

"so what do you think?" Dream took George out of his trans while he rubbing his chest to hopefully relieve some tension.

"I think that is a great idea Dream I would love to" Dream didn't answer him and the line felt silent for a few seconds.

"am I really talking to George here?" He said after a few seconds.

"Oh ha ha! I cant be nice once in my life??" George laughed at the situation because he knew that he was right.

"no you cant you are George"

"You are George what is that supposed to mean!"

They playfully fought and talked about their future videos and moves. George was just so happy that he had him.

Dream could tell that George's tone was warmer. He didn't question it though he was just glad George was ok. He had a feeling that something was wrong since the night before but he was just happy to talk to him.

They both were just so happy to have each other.

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What Anxiety Feels Like (DNF/ Dream not found angst) Where stories live. Discover now