Chapter 10

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Lisa pov

Were still on van on the way in mall i decide to use my phone to see my mama text me i look around to see rosé looking at my phine so i hide it it's too personal to her to saw this

Are you okey now?


                                     Yeah don't worry now 
                                       Im fine


I turn off my phone and look at rosé i just smile at her she can't see that we arrive at mall we wear all possible clothes just to cover our face first rules of yg they can't see your face if you didn't debut

We all exit the van and walk together and enter the mall we headed to groceries

"Find frozen lisa and unnie find vegetable and rosé ingredients and me some snack" jennie said and we all agree i grab some basket and walk towards the frozen food area

I arrive and look for some forzen food that we need i saw some morning frozen food and some meat for some randon food i saw a meat for steak i was about to grab it when someone got first

I look who is it i got nervous i know who is he i was about to leave when he hold my hand

"Did you think you can leave me after the three years without seeing you" he said mu wrist is feeling pain now i know it's red

"Just let me go i didn't know who you are let me go" i said and someone came and he let me go i hold my wrist

"Miss are you okey? Did you know that man?" She ask me i shake my head cause i really don't know his name but i remeber his face


Im now almost one year here in yg but i didn't see any trainee no one came i now walking towards my room i just finish my korean lesson now i need to practice my vocal

"Hi miss" some ranfom guy said to i look at him he look drunk

"Hi" i said and look away but he suddenly touch me i got nervous

"Let me go" i shout but he did opposite he hold my two hand he so strong and start yo kiss my neck

"Yo-you smell good" he said while me just crying

"HELP!!" I shout and two boys came

"Boss let her go she is just a trainee" he said and grab thier 'boss' i had a chance to leave want to leave that place as soon as possible


"Miss answer me please" i get back to reality when a girl talk infront of me

"Im okey thank you" i said

"No your suddenly cry why?" I hold my cheek she is right i feel some liquid on my cheek i wipe it off

"Im now okey thank you ms-' i stop i didn't know her name

"Somi call me somi" i smile to her

"Thank you somi i just scared to that guy thanks to you " i said and bow

"Just be carefull so many bad people is now here" she said and leave i just go back picking some meat

When im done i find them in snack section rosé run towards me

Rosé pov

"You took so long" i said and put my hand in her hand

"I just have a hard time finding meat" she said i just nod and we join them find some snack

Were now in counter and lisa putting all meat on counter i just looking at her when my eyes suddenly stop in her hand it so red did something happen to that

She seem to notice me and she cover it i look at her and she just smile 'what the hell happen to her' i ask my self

We finish and we decide to back where else we can go nothing more we all enter thw van i can't still get over in lisa wrist where did she get it

"Everyone okey?" Manager ask we all nod and he start to drive i still looking at her

"Rosé it's nothing okey don't mind it" she whisper enough for me to hear i nod and just ignore it but i can't why she need to be silent if she can tell me her problem

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