Chapter 42

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Lisa pov

Im now completely dressed i wear all black i grab my bag and exit my room i saw them already eating

"And now were you going are forgeting something " jisoo unnie ask i think well nothing  ididn't think we had important thing to do now

"I don't think so, but i gotta go someone is waiting for me bye" i said since rosé is standing i kiss her cheek and left the dorm

Im now in coffee and we already talking to each other

"Where do you think is the best place to relax" yooa said i smile i want to imtroduce them my place

"I know one park i use to go when im stress and it's too much relaxing there" i said and they look at me

Were now at the park so many kids are playing and other girls look so happy i go in one of group of the girls

"What are you playing" i said and they smile

"Your so pretty unnie" one of them said i smile

"I want to play too" i said and they smile and hold my hand and drag me on one of the swing

"Push me unnie" one of them said i smile i saw myembers so happy with other kids too i push the girl not too hard for her not to fall but someone stand next to me its eunjin

"You didn't said this so fun i really love kids" i smile at her me too

"Yeah i like them too i use to get here every morning i can just to see them before going to school " i said and push the girl again she is so hsppy even there mother is smiling

"Well it's too obvious that you like kids" she said i laugh and i stop the kid cause she want to slide so i let her go i sit on swing and she sit too

"Look the two of them so happy" she said poiting the two running over the kids hmm this is so relaxing

"I like here no" shemj said i smiel

"I hope you like here , and welcome to my comfort zone" i said and widing my hand as if im going to hug someone but soemone really hug me

And it was seulgi i laugh at her

"Your so soft i just know that" i heard her said and another heavy add and it wass yooa

"Yahh im going to-" before i could finish i fall and next they fall to me arghh it was hurt

"Hahahahahahhaha" they are just laughing i stood up and look at them they run so i chase them were now like kids playing

I got back in dorm i was so tired and we had an award show tomorrow we buy some clothes we saw that beautiful and we buy it and i didn't even pay cause seulgi ensist

I enter and they are laughing at each other aww my back hurt

"Im home" i said and go straight to my room i don't want to sleep i just take a hower and wear a short short and a sando i exit my room and go straight to kitchen ignoring there laughs

I just practice our move

"Arghh that was so fast " i said to myself practing again

"Is that the dance you practice and forget about your girlfriend"it was cheang voice and she is angry

"Comeon chaeng im too tired to talk about this,and im not the one who said that we need a pwrformance okey" i said and turn around to not face her

"I get it lisa but just a little time for us can't you give it to us " i sigh how

"Tsk im tired okey and i need to practice that fvcking dance for tomorrow" i shout and left im didn' control my self

Rosé pov

I was froze she never said bad words and shout at me this is the first time

"Chaeng i guess she is really tired she will be fine tomorrow just talk her tomorrow " unnie said i nod and we go back to our things

----- i woke up three and i take a shower first and when im done i wear the outfit that oyr stylist gave me i wear it and look at mirror it's not that bad tho fix my hair and exit my room to see two of them already done and giving a little make up but lisa is still not here

"Annie what did they said" ohh speaking of she is wearing her outfit too that really match yo her she is wearing a red croptop with sport bra and a black short

"Three of them will go first in your chair and you will go back stage cause you will had the intro "i heard annie answer

"Yeah seulgi text me and said yooa and eunjin want to see me later and introduce me in thoer group" wait is lisa close with them

Before lisa exit the dorm she look at me but look aways and leave

"See she look didn't do anything" im getting emotional

"I don't want to lose her" i said two of them go near to me and hug me

"The feeling you javing is doble in mine cause im her girlfriend" jennie ssid yeah it's true but the simple bye is enough for us

We arrive at the place and were now heading towards our chair were performing our boobayah

Were now sitting and i can see redvelvet cheering for what, what is happening did we miss somthing or maybe it's one of thier members

"Let's see first the dancers of each group" mc said wait lisa is our dancer is she witht hat dance

A music play and five boys and gour girls appear and im right lisa was there dancing comfortably with them

Thuer dance finish and mc appear on stage we just listen until someone sit right beside me i look and it was lisa waving at wait it's yooa unnie

"See you when i see you" eunjin said and the next thing she did mame us shock cause she just kiss lisa on cheek and for lisa ot like npthing happen like her girfriend is not right beside me too

"Wait unnie are we going out next day tomorrow"

"No lisa our new song will be release in that day can just adjust the day caise it's really important" jennie suddenly said

"Ohh sorry unnie i can't maybe next time bye" lisa wave and the girl leave is she serious now

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