Chapter 59

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The air condition in thier room suddenly broke and lisa can't contact anyone because she didn't know anythings in thier dorm

It's so hot in thier and make lisa feel so weak and hot sweat all over her body she is now in long polo with just her panties and bra lying on the sofa so hopeless

But the pair of feet enter thier room to see the situation of little girl having a hard time because of the hot feeling she walk towards the girl and look at her down to find her so hot her sweat making her more even hotter

"Arghh" the younger one groan and sit properly so bumped her head on the oldest tummy make the youngest look at her

"Ohh unnie your herr it so hot" she said and wipe her sweat and lean her head on sofa the oldest is also seeing her bra with her bobbs her skin make the oldest want her to

"Then why didn't you call for help" the oldest said and put her one feet between the tights of the youngest

"I didn't know how~ what are you doing?" She ask finally know what happening

"Just appricieting the hot feeling" she said and put her one finger on youngest chin and make it up to make the youngest look at her

"Jen s-" she stop her by kissing insted of pushing her away youngest feel the heat inside her make her want the oldest too she wrapped her arms on oldest neck

The oldest lick her lips and the youngest know what will she need to do she open her mouth to let the oldest in

Fighting with tounge ofcourse oldest win she let go the youngest and look at her body

"Wearing this is adding hot feeling" oldest said and travel her arms on girl polo and unbotton her polo to make the girl expose

"S~stop this " the youngest try to stop but seem like the oldest is already clouded she unclapsed her bra and kissed her neck

Give her a lot of mark cause she want to mark the girl just like the owners do the oldest smirk seeing the youngest in pleasure her hands down to her breast

"Ahhh" youngest moan she kiss the youngest and her other hand in traveling down to her panties and take it off and rub her clint

"Argh" the girl moan and arch her back feeling too much pleasure the oldest just looking at her face hiding on her

"Ahmm" the feelung is too much for the youngest she want more and want the oldest more

"I-im gonna pee" youngest trying to hold her pee but the oldest just smirk in youngest situation

"No, baby your'e gonna cum, and cum for mommy" the oldest said and the youngest can't hold anymore she vum on the oldest hand she is breathing so heavy wrapping her hand oldest neck Feeling her breaths


Lisa pov

I woke up in different room this room is so familiar i felt my body is so weak arghh what is this

I look around i know this place no it's a room it's jennie's goshh what am i doing here i was about to get up when the blanket slide down to my body ohh Godd please no

I look at my naked body and in bed to see sleeping jennie goshh why am i doing in her room did something happen between us

I took her blanket and cover it all over to me and slowly open her door and look outside there's no one here so i quickly go to my room and lock it i slide my back on door

"What the hell happen" i ask my self all i can remebers is i sleep on the sofa And omygodd i remember it oh noo we did it arghh lisa what the hell you just did

I get up and straingt to my bathroom and take a shower

Jennie pov

I woke up without lisa beside me i smirk remembering what happen earlier it's now evening i get up and look around her bra and all clothes she wear is in my room i smile and put it on my laundry and go straight to my bathroom

Im done i exit my room to see two of them watching some drama

"Hello" i greet them and sit between them and eatch with them i hear an open door so i guess that was her i saw her with her terno short and t-shirt and pair of white rubber shoe looking at her phone

"Where you going lisa?" Rosé ask her so she stop looking at her phone and look at us she look at me but quickly look away and she is blushing

"Uhmm " she stutter but not even metioning the place where she going just looking down playing her hand so as jisoo being a wottied unnie she make her pissed

"Lisa just tell us" jisoo said lisa flinch a little and look at her

"Well yg call me he want to say something to me so i probably go home later okey" anf my anger is back why would she going to ruin my good mood just for that stupud man arghh isn't she disgust on her self cause im so disgust to her

"Lisa it's night can you just go tomorrow?" Chaeng said hope she said yes

"If i didn't go there is a big exchange for that , i need to go bye" she said and leave

"What a slut" suddenly my mouth said i can't even stop my self why she need yo do that im here i can fight for her she didn't need to be a slut

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