Chapter 17

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Jennie pov

Thank ghodd she didn't lie to me were now here in some store we found we just walking and found this little store the get my girlfriend's attention

"Jen stop that face" jisoo said we two is just sitting while waiting on our girl to finish thier thing i never let this two together again they took a years to finish it

"Were here an hour ago and they are not finish yet"i said and unnie just chuckle

"Did you know i tought bringing them out is a good time for us to have some time for each other but look they have fun more than us" unnie said two is walking towards us with thier happy face i stood up and hold lisa hand

"Why took so long?" I ask she look at me and smile arghh

"Well chaeng find so many cute things but she can't buy cause she don't have any money so we ended up just buying this" she said and let me see what she got and it's a vouple necklace at it's so beautiful

"And i buy this for us" chaeng said and it's a bracelet how sweet i take the couple necklace lisa bought and put one in her neck

After i put her she put mine too now im satified

"Thank you" how thankfull i am to be her girlfriend i never imagine having a girlfriend i really tought im straingt but guess what im wrong

"I love you " she answer make me smile i hug her im a bit shorter to her but doesn't mean im weak im stronger than her

We decide to go home since it's already dark we bought our dinner too we found outside

We got home and i lock the door lisa talking to her mom and two cuddling and i prepare the food

In middle of preparing someone hug me back i smile smelling her scent my favorite scent

"Why so clingy?"i ask her but she didn't answer and hug me more i chuckle and continue what im doing i put it all in table and face my girl

"Do you need something?" I ask her she shake her head and she said she going to call the two love birds

I sit and second they here lisa sit beside me and i put a food in her plate but she insist i nod and put a food in my own

Lisa pov

Im now im my room and i lock the door yes i lock it i just want i open my cellphone and linini update new photo it's kinda familiar i just like it and scroll down i look at redvelvet account

I see irene and thier member glowing up i smile and i turn it off but it suddenly buzz i look who is it and it was my mama i answer it

'mama' i answer

'pranpriya how is my baby now' i sigh not knowing what i should answer should i say me and jennie is now together or just said im okey

"Im okey now mom, how about you and papa how you guys doing ?" I ask i know she is smiling in other lune i can feel it

'we been so okey here ' i smile cause remeberong im now okey make me hapoy

'mama we going to debut next year im going to pullfill my dream and it's not a dream anymore" i said on my crack voice , why the hell everytime i talked to her im getting emotional

'im so proud of you keep it up my princess me and your papa will always sypport  you we love you' i hang up the phone not wanting to hear my mama cry i turn off my phone and lay on my bed and quickly sleep

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