Chapter 27

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Four of them is really doing great even thier relationship is getting stronger

But it almost lisa birthday but they never know  what is lisa birthday

Lisa pov

(March 20, 2016) my birthday is almost there and im not planing to tell them i really have something to do that day and i might not go home cause im going sleepover

In four of us birthday mine is different cause im not celebrating it with them cause i have really something to do

And were here at music room cause we still recording the boombaya music it really not done yet

"Lisa your rap line " manager call me i stood up and enter the room i saw annie thier i wave at her she wave back

"Lisa keep your voice natural in this okey" i nod and wear my head phones and i first listen to some of not my part

I'm a take what's mine so get out my way
Ain't got time I go hard and slay
Middle finger up F you pay me
90's baby I pump up the jam
Whip it up whip it up baby that LAMBO
Dropping the top I be too hard to handle
Savage I'm killing them
Stacking my millions
Stopping my paper? Go brrrr RAMBO

"Good take a break " i smile i walk towards annie and sit on her lap she won't be shock because of that cause im doing it everytime when im know her better

"Get off you will see a monster again" annie whisper i chuckle she know what will hapoen if i didn't get off i stood up and sit next to her and lean my head on her shoulder

"Tired?" I nod she careless my head i can feel her touch i smile knowing that she will be always in my side

"Now get up cause i can now see three of them comming here" she said i get up and face her act like im talking to her she chuckle i roll my eyes

"Lili come here" i heard jennie i wave at her and walk towards jennie she wrapped her hand around my waist when we sit

"What you talk about?" I knew it thankfull she never saw me ditting on annie lap cause im really dead

"Well some old staff i just as some question to her" i answer i feel her nod i put my hand to interact her hand were now holding hands

She look at me and smile that smile that i didn't want to lose forever the smile that maybe unique for me she is everthing or called the perfect one

Manager came back and im about to pull off my hand to her but she hold it tight i sigh and listen yo manager he just said about something and we all agree as if we had any choice

Finally done im really tired i enter my room and lay on my bed because of tiredness i fall a sleep so easyly


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