Chapter 34

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The day the four girl waiting four they already finish two song with mv and now the day of all people will know BLACKPINK

They all so nervous so much nervous is on thier body and they keep holding thier hands just to support each other

So many things is in thier heads what id no one will like them, what if no one will notice them, what if they just nothing to others

And so many more but never lead them to back out they practice enough to be enough they work hard for this and they will not going to back out

The show start and at first they just say what is the meaning of blackpink and thier names and show thier mv

While watching they so proud of thier self sieng how sucessful thier video is just enough to make them even more stronger

And finally the time that everyone will see the faces of blackpink

One by one oldest to youngest will go full so nervous and excitment too is on thier body and the light turn on to reveal the faces that will complete the name BLACKPINK

"Hello, my name is rosé" first one who introduce her self

"Hello,im jennie" the second on you will know in thier voices how nervous they are

"Hello , im jisoo" the third one

"Hello, im lisa" and the last one they give them around of applause that make the four girls happy seeing that there is people supporting them

"How do you think in group blackpink, and some message ?" The mc said and they all look at lisa

"Ahh yes thank you very much for all gour support were so nervous and excited as the same time we work hard for this positions and now we debut we will do everthing to make us even more sucessful" a beautiful speach that mame all people love

"Thank you very much i hope you will support us until the end thank youu" rosé said while the two oldest is getting emotional

"Today is the release of thier first song hope you all support them thank you" mc said and the stage get dark again the show is finish in the little time many people already loved BLACKPINK


Were now here in our dorm and were crying this is the first time i cried because of happiness i really proud on four of us

"We did it unnie we did it" lisa said and hug me she is the one who get more emotional she let go and go to jennie i walk towards rosé and hug her she is crying too

"We suppose to be happy not crying" i said and someone doorbell i just open the door i was shock yg is here

"Im so proud in four of you " he said we stop crying and we sit

"You video just release and a big shock in all kpop groups in how many views you had in just an hour" wait really

"Wait what do you mean?" Jennie ask and yg show us the music video had a million of view like whattt

"Is this really our video?" Rosé can't believe that that's our song

"Yes and congratss you had also a youtube chanel that hope a lot of people will subcribe " we all nod and he bit his goodbye we are so bless to had this


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