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Lisa pov

I decide not to go back in dorm cause i will have a lot of questioning there, im  now here at the park sitting all alone enjoying my food

"Aren't you suppose in dorm right now" i sudden flinch in random voice, i look who is it and sigh

"Yahh kokkie don't scare me like that, im going to die early because of you" i said holding my chest

"Im sorry okey , i just saw you alone here, didn't you know the word danger," i roll my eye

"Who is idiot not knowing what danger is" i answer and he laugh

"What you doing here in middle of the night, ohh actually it's morning" i chuckle and look at the sky

"I had a little problem, but it's too private to talk about it" i said it first cause if i didn't he will ask me what problem is it

"Hmm you knowing me better huh" he said and bumping his hand on my hand

"Yahh stop that already okey" i said and he laugh

"What so funny idiot " i said and he laugh more

"Im going if you just gonna pissed me off" i said and about to leave but he stop me ,

"Here wear this idiot , it's frezzing outside them you just wearing that clothes, you really are stupid" he said and give me his jacket it look familiar tho

"Im just here cause they want me to buy some food" he said and make me see the food he holding

"Then go new im sure they finding you so annoying right now" i said and he chuckle

"Yeah bye see next time , and bye the way give me back the jacket" i nod and he left what an annoying idiot

I just continue what im doing, and it's eating


I just watch the sunrise and leave cause it the time were the beast is awake

I drive towards our dorm and get all food i got and enter the dorm

I saw them standing doing all chores, they look at me

"Omo is that what junkook wearing in thier vlive"chaeyoung-ah suddenly said i look at her with my confuse look

"Yeah it is" jennie asnwer i just ignore them and give to chaeng the food and go straight to my room

I open my phone and , is it really a big deal ,

Cause it said, junkook leave with his jacket on and the camera is on the door when junkook enter and he didn't wear the jacket

Wait what the , i just posted a photo of me wearing the jacket i go in my insta and about to delete it but fvck it has already one million like

Omo is that jungkook jacket

I wonder why jungkook didn't wear it

Omo im jumping right now

My lizkook is sailing

My heart help me

Some of the comments and we already have that ship name , why so stupid posting that, put it in my story too and it was a video of me waving with the sunrise in my backround and the fvcking jacket is expose

"Im dead" i said to my self my phone ring and it was our boss

"Come here right now"his voice is not angry at all, i hang up and grab my things again , and leabe my room i saw them eating but not jennie holding her phine scrolling down

"Where do you think your going?" Ohh it was jennie's voice i face them

"Our boss want to talk to me" i said

"Were comming" she said my eye widen

"You don't really need too"i said

"You enjoying wearing that huh" jennie said and hild the jacket

"Come on were going with her" jennie said chaeng grab the chips she's having and jisoo too

I sigh and follow them

"What did you footh broke you walking so damn slow" jennie said i enter the csr and she immediately start the engine and drive

We reach the company and i left the car first i can feel people staring at me ohh shoot i forgot to take off the jacket

We enter the comapany and enter the elevator

We reach the floor and walk towards his office

We knock and he said come in so we come in saw him smiling we sit i sit beside jennie cause she said too

"So i saw the news lisa" i gulp

"What you doing to her, can i decide what punishment" jennie enterup

"Jennie" i said she look at me and my jacket and take it off

"No there is no punishment, im supporting lisa and junkook relationship big hint talk me about this and he also agree" my eye widen i look at jennie hand holding my hand so tight

"Ahh my hand jenn" i said but she didn't listen to me

"Supporting what kind of shit is that, they not even dating" jennie shoit and releasey hand

"Yes they are" he said and put a lot of picture of me and jungkook outside wait how they even take this im sure im alone that time

"That is phot-" jennie stop me

"Stop okey, im going to fix this" i just nod cause of im scared at Her

"That is obviously photoshop mr. All people can tell" jennie said it with a bossy voice chaeng even stop eating

"Well sadly the news is already in dispatch, and any minute they will release it" he said

"Wait noo" i shout he look at me

"You going to stop that or we will your company , you know what kind ofthings you will lost if we leave your company" jennie said

"And sorry it already on the internet" he said i quickly get my phone and fvck it really post

Dispatch reveal, lisa manoban from blackpink and junkook from bts is confirm dating, and the companies are agree with it too, they been dating for a month now

And some picture i look at jennie she is looking at her phone i take it and trow it the wall

"Fvck this , you said your not going to put me down, then what thehell is this, did you really want them to know huh, you fvcking jerk" i slap him a hard as i can and left the room

I bumped in bobby oppa but im sorry im not in the mood , go straight in fire exit my comfort zone

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" i shout i get my phone and there is junkook text

Im going in your dorm we need to talk" he text me a minute ago i think he is already there i wipe my tear and go doen using the stairs

It's hard but i ca manage , i reach the ground floor and put my cap on and left the company i called a taxi and hop in

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