Chapter 50

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Thirdperson pov

Jennie's legs between lisa tight make more heat to lisa jennie giving so many mark on lisa neck

"Stop~" lisa trying to push jennie but jennie already clouded being pressed with lisa body make her want lisa more

Jennie hand travel down to lisa tummy down to her wound lisa arch her back feeling the heat exchange into pleasure

Jennie take off lisa panties smelling her legs

"Smell so good" jennie said and kiss lisa legs down to hee tights

"A-are really going to do it" lisa said while looking at jennie and quickly close her eye to feel her toung unfold her fold

"Ahh~ no" lisa moan holding jennie hair while jennie licking her folds make lisa out her mind

Jennie rub lisa clint make lisa feel more pleasure and arch her back feeling her hand slide down to her hole and slowly enter one finger

"Jen~" lisa shout jennie go up on her and kiss her let lisa taste her own jiuces

"S-stop it jennie i made a contra-" lisa stop in jennie lips

"I know you like this too" lisa can't do anything just to feel the pleasure jennie giving her

"I need to pee get off" lisa shout trying to push jennie again but jennie is no top of her she is stronger than lisa

"You will cum baby" lisa can't hold it anymore she cum all in jennie fingers lisa wrapped her arm in jennie neck make jennie fall on top of her

"I-i didn't feel the heat anymore" lisa said her voice is little hoarse jennie slowly take off her fingers on lisa make lisa tight her arms on jennie

"I told you i goung to vanish it" jennie said and lay beside lisa and cover her naked body

Lisa pov

I woke up suddenly i want some water but i feel a hand on my waist i look my eyes widen why am i naked

Ohhh goshhh i slowly take off in jennie we did it and i already made a contract that exchange of our relationship is her career no i can't let her career fall down because of me

I walk towards the bathroom and lock it damn that heat that was the first time i felt that and i didn't like it i never want to feel that again

Im finish taking a bath amd i pick a terno short and shirt it's collor pink and my white shoes i look at the mirror and i was okey now i look at jennie still sleeping i grab my bag and exit my room

I saw two of them eating my footh still hurt a little but i can walk i sit next to rosé

"Im tired" i said hold  my neck i close my eyes but rosé hold my hand

"Is that a hickey" ohh shit i forgot jennie gave me alot of hickey

"Yeah jennie gave it to me" i answer as if im not shaking they look shock ofcourse cause we just broke up and they seeing this

"Are you two toge-" i stop her this is i don't want two of them is afected too

"No were not i did have an contract that i will let her go and exchange is her career" i said and grab my phone yg text me i wonder why all the relationship i had he always going to take them out of my life

"So you two better be good in hiding or you will faced what im facing right now" i said and two of them looked at each other

"Actually were not together the hickey you saw that day is a makeup jisoo is not into girls and i never like her as more than friends and as same as her" my eyes widen

"Did jennie know thi?" I ask they nod ohh i understand im too busy and barely saw them that's why i never known that

"Well congrats to you guys " i said i eat my food and i saw jennie came oit on my room i roll my eyes

"Li-" i stop her

"What you thinking right now stop it cause i don't want to sacrifice your career just for me, so please understand jen i don't want you to lose what you work hard and i don't want two of them two, if you are in my place you will do the same thing" i said and look away i grab my phone i recieve another message and i didn't like it

I message back

"Wait me in the park" i reply and turf off my phone

"I need to go somethinh important came" i said and grab my bag and mave at them and leave the dorm

"He wants to talk to me " i said we are now walking towards the elevator i guess i will sleep on my condo again

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