Chapter 48

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Jennie pov

"She look so skinny more skinny now" rosé said she is true i think it really affect her too much we didn't see her in oast days and we didn't know if she is eating well or getting some rest and we didn't know where her condo is

We saw annie came out in room wait jay just enter the make up room right

"We need to check her up" jisoo said and she is the first one to walk when were near we heard a laughing her laugh i miss it

"O-oppa stop it" ohh no what is happening i can't i open the door my eyes widen to see there position

"Lisa what the hell are you doing" jisoo shout and push jay make him get off in lisa top cause they position is lisa under jay tickling

"Unnie he just tickle me" lisa answer and fix her hair

"Even tho lisa your position saying it opposite, you still a girl lisa you should know your limit" rosé shout lisa just look down but someone push me and walk towards lisa

"Hey what are doing" he said and suddenly kiss lisa cheek

"Yahh oppa stop with that thing you always do that " a-always

"Lisa come here" jisoo said and grab lisa and hide her in her back i can only do in hold her shouder

"You two should not doing that lisa is still a girl and it's not friend doing okey" jisoo said and grab lisa and we leave the room and walk until we far at them

"Unnie it's n-" i stop her

"Lisa were just concern if other will se your positiom ealier you will understand us " i shout she just stare at us

"Well i know my limits just like rosé said i never let them touch any private area of mine and they never harrashed me " she said arghh why is she so hard headed

"And actually im sleep with thier dorm last night" what the hell

"Lisa did you know what you did even tho they are your friends they still boy lisa you should know that" rosé shout it her voice when she is mad

"LISA TAKE YOUR MED" annie suddenly ask we look at lisa

"I need ot if  i didn't drink it  i will die" what kind of med is that she pass us and walk towards annie

"I can't believe what i just heard" i said and sit on near chair im losing my brain even tho were not together anymore i can feel the pain

"We will start in minute" so we fix our self infront of the camera first were just four

We do some post that we learn a few and we just heard the click of the camera and the flashes

And next with boys im now worried about this i look at lisa bobby already holding her waist why did he need to do that it's not even on script and in positions

"Very good take a break first" we all get off the photo area and go back on camera i drink some water and rosé want too

"Yahh lisa your make up will come off" i heard aniie so i look i feel pain on my chest lisa is now sitting on annie lap while her hand in on annie neck now annie smelling her neck

"Yahh lalisa get off or i will kiss you" what she can't do that im just right infront of her , but lisa just ignore annie slowly go near on lisa neck

"Break finish" i sigh wow that was so close thank to photograhper but it never stop annie lisa about to get off but she geab lisa back and kiss her neck what the hell

"Come on" jisoo said and grab me we walk

"You jennie and lisa you make a good chemistry you two have a fair shoot" my heart melt when she said chemistry

"Nini come on" ogg ghodd not that cs she making this hard for me

I go towards her photograher said make back to back and hold hands shit this making me soft i hold her hand and it get skinny as before

"Good nice shot" we doing several post until we finish

"I'll go change my clothes" i heard lisa said i heard the door closed i look around

"Jennie just go with lisa we need to go now" annie said i nod and walk towards the door where lisa enter i open and enter

I can see her taking off her dress just staring

"Stop straing" i back to my mind aishhh i can't help my self like now seeing her with just her bra make me really want her

I back hug her and i know she was shock cause she flinch

"I miss you" i said she slowly hold my hands and take it off and face me

"You know we-" i stop her by kissing her her eyes is close a few second i start to mibe but she isn't moving i lick her lips to had a permission to enter but she didn't let me then i just bit her lip make her gasp and open her mouth

Make me had a chance to enter my tounge on her her saliva id mixing on mine and it's dripping our hearing her low moan make me on

My hand slowly explore her back i touch the clip of her bra so i take it off she flinch she trying to get off but i hold her neck to make the kiss more deep

Until she gave up and kiss back our tounge is fighting my hand massaging her breast

"J-jen~" she moan ohh ghodd what a beautiful voice but i chose to focus on what im doing untill

"Hey you two what take you so long" lisa push me she now holding her lips and cathing some breaths i smirk seeing her like that

Asihh chu is really not on time

"We shouldn't do that" lisa said and wear her clothes and wipe her lips with my lipstick on it

"Well we did" i answer and wear my clothes too she come out first so simce we wat to not notice i just take some more time before i leave the room i can see two of them looking at me

"She still hate me" i said


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