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Rose pov

Hearing lisa's vocal is such an honor cause it's only once in a moon we hear her vocal voice

And that's why i can't forget the day o heard her sing in vocal room , her voice is such an angel it's my favorite

But sadly she didn't let anuone hear it sp im surprise she sing

"Ohh she slowly showing off" lisa manager said yes he is here and other manager is other van , what did he mean she showing off

"I love her voice" jisoo said i look at her i had this feeling for her but never much as i feel for lisa cause i love her more than her

That's why im so angry if jennie will do something that made her cry ,i already gave up of having lisa on mine cause i just choose to let her go even i will fight for her but she is not happy , i don't want that

"Me too"i answer we suddenly stop i sigh when i saw the entrance of airport

"Can you please wake lisa up"her manager said i nod and shake lisa

"Lis wake up please"i already said in three times thankfully she is now awake i leave the van and lisa fix her self first so we go first

Were now walking but we first enter one of the store

Lisa pov

I can't see them so i just go by my self since i already heard our flight number

But i saw a girl arguing with a flight attendant

"What's happening here?" I ask she look at me and bowed

"Sorry miss cause this girl want to exchamge sit , but our problem is the number of sit she want is already taken" ohh i see she had an first class i never try

"What number she want?" I ask she look at me confuse

"Her daughter have an ill she want a some fix place she can heal her daughter"ohh so maybe luxury class

"I can change with her " i said happly she look at me nervous i saw the kid she so cute

"Just gift for her " i said and she smile i get her ticket and exchange it into mine

"Thank you miss your so kind , can i take a pic with you" i nod and she take a pic i enter and walk towards the first class

"I want to take 45" i said she nod i follow her and i just remember i didn't have any bodygaurds on me even my manager ohh god how am i suppose to know where we going to stay

I just going to text them later i reach my sit ohh it's not that bad i sit ohh it's just don't have an jaget here it's like the luxury

And no wifi i just shrug and pit my airpods on and listen to misic

Jennie pov

"Were going to land but we still didn't see lisa" rose said of course she is worried the sit suppose to be lisa is a woman with a child and we can't see lisa and we didn't know where she is

"We not suppose to leave her alone" jisoo said were panicking and thinking if we left her in korea

"Im going crazy her manager is with us too" yeah her manager is really going crazy finding her isn't she leave the van , but rose wake her up

"Wait , are you sure lisa leave the van" jisoo ask rose but rose just nod arghh that stupid girl how we suppose to know where she is

We preapre for our land


We already land in japan but we still didn't see the stupid girl

"Someone spotted her entering the airplane" rose said and show the pic of lisa talking to the girl in lisa sit

"Wait she is the girl in lisa sit right" i said jisoo nod i read the caption

"Our k-pop idol lalisa manoban show her kindness in the way of exchanging her ticket for the little girl had a sick" i read loud rose look at me

"Im sure she is on first class" i said we nod were stock here because of her i go near in flight attendant

"Are the first class already came out" i ask she look at me

"Ahmm just goung to come out ma'am just wait here" i nod and we wait until we saw a familiar figure of people walking perfectly towards us

Rose run towards her and hug her she flinch

"Where the heck did you go lalaisa did you know where going to die because were become crazy finding you" i heard rose said lisa just rub her back

"Hey stop okey i came out in van and didn't saw you so i tought you already indise and, i suddenly encounter a mother with her sick daughter" i knew that already then rose let her go and face us

"Ohh unnies you all really cry" she said i wipe my tears and hug her

"Don't do that again you little bitch you want us to die" i said i heard her chuckle how annoying

"I won't do it again , im sorry okey i just tought you already inside so i just go first since im not use to go in other country" i smile the important now is she is already with us

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