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Jennie pov

We just peacefullu waiting for lisa to came back, yeah peacefully im trying the hard hell out of my self to stay calm

*Breaking news, the dispatch reveal a photo of two idols having an date, in first photi you will see a photo of a girl standing waiting for something, the thing is the building she stanfing is now the current dorm of bts

And media reveal that the girl is lalisa manoban of blackpink cause of the jacket she wearing, it also her jacket on her ig post, and all blink thinks that some of the photo was taken by jungkook from bts, cause somephoto seen that they are together holding hand

And look at this video of unknow account now is currently trend

Wait that is acc of jungkook i stop when i saw the video , it two person , look so sweet the boy hold her waist and the girl hide her face

It perfectly lisa the hieght the jacket i bitterly smile, there a photo too i saw in jungkook day , she posted a girl doesn't seen the face but the girl was smiling

And im sure that is lisa cause i saw her jacket and i know jungkook took those photo, but going in thier dorm is just too much for me holding her waist holding hand it hurt it really hurt

"Jen let lisa explain, let's wait for her" rose said i nod and wait but my tears is comming so fast as im still hearing the news

"The two comapany make it more true , cause they confirm it , " that caught me off gaurd i talk about this to him already why he doesn't listen to me

"Im home" that voice i quickly get up and go to her and slap her hard

"What the jennn why would you do that" she shout at me i smile at her and made her look the news spreading

"I kmew it someone took a photo of me, i can explain okey" i smirk

"You better need cause im sick of this, i want a real answer , lisa im hurting too if you doesn't know im hurting too , i feel all the knifes goes in my heart every news comming, did you how hurt i was now" i shout at her

"I did that because of the agreement in both of the company they will let us and they going to take back the news but it has a payback" she said i stop and look at her confuse

"We can continue our relationship but , im going to leave the dorm, my mom brought me one, they comming here with my sister , my dad too, they going to have an metting with us, and all of the idol is there too because other comapany will have a meetinh" she said

"Sure you agree you always agree in stupid things like that lisa, im tired of this  i hate this, let's cool off first " i said i don't want to say it but she is just too much i can't handle it i feel im going to die

"Then go , i just made one mistake jen, you already tired of me, it's fine i will give you some time just please don't leave im goung to die" she said i left them i cry she was so precious but im here thunking just my feeling

Lisa pov

"Kook where are you?" I ask him i call him when jennie left the two of them is still here i igonre them im sure im bad in there heads too

'im in a bar tae suddenly want to drink'i smile perfect

"Im comming what is the address" i ask he gave me i hang up the phone and walk towards my room

"Lis you can't do this you need to fix jennie in you, you can't just leave like nothing happen" rose said i change my clothing i wear a short short and a tshirt i put a long bLazzer took my wallet and put it on my purse i i grab my phone and put it on

"Lis listen to me now" jisoo shout a tear came out , it hurt it super hurt i look at them and smile

"It's fine unnie, im just going to put the pain away" i said and left i go straight to our car and enter, i start the engine and drive fast cause i saw rose comming

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" i shout in my car my eye is blurred but im still focus on my road

"Why jen, i just doing something to make our thing work why do you need to cool off whyyyy" i shout i arrive and it a private bar i enter and find them

There is a lot of people here but two of them i already saw them i got to them and grab the drink tae about to drink

"Yahh lalisa it's alcohol" jungkook said i ignkre it and drink it all , i feel the hot trought my lungs but i choose to ignore it and drink the next shot

"Yahh lalisa slow down you might drunk fast" i still drink i almost finish six shot

"Junkook she doesn't love me anymore" i said emotionally , he tap my back

"Don't worry lis jennie is just out of her mind now, she is hurting lis, that's why were here, tae saw the news he want to hurt me ealier but i calm him down" i smile

"I wish that was just easy just like you do" i said and drink my seven shot i already feel im getting drunk and i still ignore it

"How am i suppose to drink now, if two of you is already drunk" i heard jungkook said i open my phone there is a lot of missed call , a message a lot but they are not the message im waiting, please just text im going to be okey with just a text please

"Lis were going to the condo i just bought cause rm said i need to change dorm so i did, you going with me, my manager is just there im going to call him okey" i just nod i don't care about what happening around me


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